Hippo Tang


New Member
I have a small Blue Hippo Tang, its losing its blue around its eye
All my levels test fine. The fish hides alot near the heater, and my other fish are a australian clown and a flavivertix pseudo?
Can some one tell me whats happing to my tang ?
Also i was thinking off adding another fish, is this a good idea ?


New Member
Yes you are both right, I took the fish back to the store. I was planning on starting a 125g, this month but my plans have changed due to work schedule and travel
I have never understood why people here always say 90+, and some say 100+ for tangs. Every place I have ever looked says 70+ for a tank. Its very hard what to accept as good advice or not.



Originally posted by soccer4life94
I have never understood why people here always say 90+, and some say 100+ for tangs. Every place I have ever looked says 70+ for a tank. Its very hard what to accept as good advice or not.

A blue, yellow, powder brown, whitecheek, mimic, convict, indian mimic, kole, and brown tangs all will do ok in a 75 gallon.
But all the rest should be kept in no less than 100, and some, like the clown, sohal, naso, & sailfin need larger still!!
So it would depend on the kind of tang, and how much rockwork you have and how many tangs you have etc, etc.
Ok. That make alot more sense to me. Isnt a Blue tang the same as a Hippo Tang? Seems like there are so many names for these guys :)


The blue tang I was referring to is an Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus), he is shaped just like the yellow only he's blue with yellow eyes. The hippo tang is Dori, everybody knows Dori!!!

bang guy

It's all subject to opinion of course :)
IMO the minimum for Zebrasoma and Kole tangs would be a 4 foot tank, 6 foot is a LOT better.
All other Tangs 6 foot is minimum and 8 foot is a LOT LOT better.


Hey, I agree with you Bang. Those are basically just my "policing" minimums.:D