Hippo Tang


Would I be okay to put a small Hippo Tang in a 55 FOWLR tank? I have 65 lbs of LR and 5 damsels. I also plan on getting a percula clownfish. Anybody think that I could run into problems.... If so, Is there anyfish that looks like a Hippo Tang but doesn't get as big?


those damsels alone will cause problems. ther is a high possibility that they will nip at the new tang [especialy if its small], and eventually kill it. if your damsels are nicer then mine, your tang wil need a biger home in about 6 months max, no matter ho small you get him. they tend to like to swim even when they are small. clownfisah might have same problems with damsels.
good luck.
i think you should first upgrade and then consider hippo tang cuz they are like ich magnes, and moving it from tank to tank will cause more stress [ich]
good luck with whatever you decide.


I currently have a hippo tang in my 125gal FOWLR tank and I can tell you from experiance that 1.) they have ich all the time. I have treated mine 4 times already in less then a year. and 2.) they need a lot of room to be happy so 55gal is way too small.


Active Member
i have on in my 90 gallon and i only had to treat once for ich... that was the first week because he got it from shipping... my cost $50 and it came 51/2 - 6 inches..
I have a secret that the website i ordered it from told me... and ive never had ich with him for the past 4 months


I also would like to add a Hippo to my 50 gal tank. But everyone is telling me no way on here. LOL the LFS said no problem to add one the size of a quarter and keep him for 1 yr before getting a biggger tank. But then again there is a guy on here who has had a Morish Idol in a 55 gal and all the info I have ever read says that you should keep that one in 180 gal or bigger. So who knows. For me though I think, unless more people pop up on here saying that it will be ok, I'm just going to stick to waiting till I have a bigger tank. I know it's a downer
but I think that if you are really in this for the right reasons that you do what is best for the fish


I personally think that no hippo should be in anything less that a 180 gal long just due to the fact that they are very active fish and need plenty of room to swim and hide for comfort.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rgmason
I personally think that no hippo should be in anything less that a 180 gal long just due to the fact that they are very active fish and need plenty of room to swim and hide for comfort.
I will echo this, however..... if bought small enough and ample room to swim AND plans to updrade would be ok. But they are known to stress soooooo easy. I personally love the way "they fly" through an open tank. Nothing beats an Idol though.


Is there any other fish that looks similar to a hipo tang that would do well in a 55 gal? From the way it sounds, Tangs in general need larger than a 55 gal...Is this true?


Active Member
Originally Posted by b_slate
Is there any other fish that looks similar to a hipo tang that would do well in a 55 gal? From the way it sounds, Tangs in general need larger than a 55 gal...Is this true?
Yes, generally ALL TANGS need large tanks to swim freely. There are exceptions for some that have kept them successfully, but generally you will always get the answer of NO TANGS IN A 55. To my knowledge there is no other fish close resemblance to a tang. The are awesome.


Well a person on here has like 5 or 6 tangs in a 55 and apparently they've had them for a very long time. Maybe they'll see this post and put some pics up, its an awesome looking tank. If ick is an issue you could always get a UV Steralyzer.
Heres a link if you want to check it out-


Active Member
Originally Posted by sensesfail
Well a person on here has like 5 or 6 tangs in a 55 and apparently they've had them for a very long time. Maybe they'll see this post and put some pics up, its an awesome looking tank. If ick is an issue you could always get a UV Steralyzer.
Heres a link if you want to check it out-
No way all those tangs can live long term in a four foot long tank. THey will all perish from stress and disease eventually as they grow.
IMO success in this hobby is measured in years...not days, weeks or months. Placing five tangs in a four foot tank is cruel and does nothing to promote the responsibility we all have as hobbyists in providing a suitable home for marine animals.
UV sterilizers do little in preventing/combatting ich.