Hippo Tang


I see so many posts that say that this particular fish is susceptible to disease. Has anyone not had a lot of problems with this fish?


New Member
I kept one for five years. I donated him to the LFS when I had to move long distance. The reputation I am familiar with is that they are susceptible to saltwater cryptocarion but are themselves resistant to death by this infestation. My experience was, to the best of my memory, that over the five year period, I had trouble with ****** infestations two or three times. The Hippo and others, including a yellow tang which I bought and donated the same days as the Hippo, lived. I called them Laurel and Hardy. I'll let you decide which was Laurel and whcih was Hardy.


Sorry walla I can't help but I do have to agree that they are very,very,very seceptible to disease. I had one for two weeks before it got ich and died. I tried everything I could and it didn't help. The only advice I can give is to not add one to any new tank, only very established tanks.


New Member
It has been highly recommended to use a hospital tank for 2 to 3 weeks for all fish especially Tangs prior to introducing to show tank. The best remedy for ******, in my experience, has been a fresh water dip.


Active Member
Originally Posted by szwalla
I see so many posts that say that this particular fish is susceptible to disease. Has anyone not had a lot of problems with this fish?

Some beleive that it is their smooth velvet-like skin texture that allow the parasites to easily attach. if you have ich present in the system, tangs are usually among the first to show signs of the disease.
This theory/position makes sense and sounds reasonable to me.


New Member
I Have Had A Hippo Tang For Almost 6 Mos. Now.....when I First Put Him In My 55 Gal Tank----he Got Ich A Couple Of Times And I Fresh Water Dipped Him Each Time...i Called My Fish Store Owner And He Set Me Up With A Uv Sterilizer And I Add Garlic Drops To All My Fishes Food Twice A Day.....he Got Me On The Right Track With A Couple Of Things......keep Your Salinity At 1.018 - 1.20---and I Keep A Copper Level Of .015 At All Times Now....note: You Can Only Do This For A Fish Only Tank----i Don't Have Any Live Rock Or Shrimps Etc....the Other Thing I Do Is Keep Up On My Water Changes.....i Do A 10-12 Gal. Change Every 10 Days And The Water Is Crystal Clear....since I Started Doing The Above I Have Not Had One Problem With My Tank.....the Fish Are Healthy Vibrant And Growing Like Horses......good Luck!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHOOTER
I Have Had A Hippo Tang For Almost 6 Mos. Now.....when I First Put Him In My 55 Gal Tank----he Got Ich A Couple Of Times And I Fresh Water Dipped Him Each Time...i Called My Fish Store Owner And He Set Me Up With A Uv Sterilizer And I Add Garlic Drops To All My Fishes Food Twice A Day.....he Got Me On The Right Track With A Couple Of Things......keep Your Salinity At 1.018 - 1.20---and I Keep A Copper Level Of .015 At All Times Now....note: You Can Only Do This For A Fish Only Tank----i Don't Have Any Live Rock Or Shrimps Etc....the Other Thing I Do Is Keep Up On My Water Changes.....i Do A 10-12 Gal. Change Every 10 Days And The Water Is Crystal Clear....since I Started Doing The Above I Have Not Had One Problem With My Tank.....the Fish Are Healthy Vibrant And Growing Like Horses......good Luck!!!!
A 55 is too small for a Hippo long-term...A uv sterilizer is ineffective against ich...and prolonged exposure to copper will cause problems and/or death to you fish Copper is like chemotherapy for fish.
Also, water quality will suffer as the copper will harm your biological filtration and your system most likely will crash . The subsrate and rock/fake coral/dead coral will adsorb the copper over time ..and then release it back into the system which can cause a sudden TOXIC level.
If you got all this advice from you lfs...it is ALL incorrect with the exception of the garlic.
The advice you were given is a long-term outline for disaster.


my beautiful pacific blue has been with me for approx 2 mos and i have had no problems with her. i did quarantine her for 2 weeks prior to adding her to the main tank.
she eats like a pig and is growing growing growing!!!!!
she is also the dominant one in my tank.
what does the ****** look like when the hippo's get it? so i know what to look for.


I'd have to agree with ScubaDoo on that, Shooter. Even a salinity level of 1.018 wont stop ick. Anything higher than 1.009 is survivabable by it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tim_12
I'd have to agree with ScubaDoo on that, Shooter. Even a salinity level of 1.018 wont stop ick. Anything higher than 1.009 is survivabable by it.
New strains of marine ich have been discovered in the past few years in salinitiies lower then 1.009.


My Hippo is currently in QT. It got ich a couple of days after adding it. The damsel picked on it and I think the stress of being in a new environment contributed to the ich. I tore apart my tank and I will NEVER place a Dam--- Damsel in it again! My Hippo is cute, plays dead alot. I lift up a piece of rock and she's hiding right under the rock lgroove like a suction! Eats alot too! I add minced garlic.
Qt tank is at 1.019 now and I will be slowly raising salinity over time. She's the queen of my tank.
P.S. I did a couple of fresh water dips over a week time.
Baby hippo is SOOO CUTE!


New Member
Scubadoo I Have To Disagree On You With This One........a Salinity Level Of 1.018-1.20 Will Not Cure Or Stop Ich, But With The Four Combinations Of The Salinity Level, Using Garlic Drops With Food, A Uv Sterilizer, And Using Copper , The Chances Of Getting Ich Are Greatly Reduced ....i Have Seen What It's Done For My Tank And The Proof Is In The Pudding.......since I Have Started This

I Have Not Had One Incident Of Any Kind (going On 8 Mos.) Before I Did This I Had Ich 3-4 Times And My Coperband Had An Open Sore On His Body That I Had To Treat......the Lfs Is Not A Mom And Pop Type Store

he Sells Only Salt Water Fish And Live Rock

he Probably Sells 60-80 Fish A Week......his Whole Theory Is You Should Buy Fish To Keep

not To Kill....i Realize There Are Many Opinions And Theories Out There For People To Hear And Use......i'm Sticking With This One.....after Killing 165.00 Worth Of Beautiful Fish

i Am Finally Keeping And Enjoying Them Which Is Why I Started This To Begin With......hopefully With Everyones Input We Will All Be Able To Learn And Keep Our Fish Healthy For A Long Time...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHOOTER
Scubadoo I Have To Disagree On You With This One........a Salinity Level Of 1.018-1.20 Will Not Cure Or Stop Ich, But With The Four Combinations Of The Salinity Level, Using Garlic Drops With Food, A Uv Sterilizer, And Using Copper , The Chances Of Getting Ich Are Greatly Reduced ....i Have Seen What It's Done For My Tank And The Proof Is In The Pudding.......since I Have Started This

I Have Not Had One Incident Of Any Kind (going On 8 Mos.) Before I Did This I Had Ich 3-4 Times And My Coperband Had An Open Sore On His Body That I Had To Treat......the Lfs Is Not A Mom And Pop Type Store

he Sells Only Salt Water Fish And Live Rock

he Probably Sells 60-80 Fish A Week......his Whole Theory Is You Should Buy Fish To Keep

not To Kill....i Realize There Are Many Opinions And Theories Out There For People To Hear And Use......i'm Sticking With This One.....after Killing 165.00 Worth Of Beautiful Fish

i Am Finally Keeping And Enjoying Them Which Is Why I Started This To Begin With......hopefully With Everyones Input We Will All Be Able To Learn And Keep Our Fish Healthy For A Long Time...........
If you are saying that running copper at low levels in a closed marine system is beneficial long-term then you are mistaken. Copper WILL damage your bilogical filtration and cause internal damage to most fish if exposure is long-term. It is a fact that the fake/dead coral and substrate will adsorb the copper and it will eventually be relased back into the system. You can see a dramatic increse to toxic levels and wipe your system out. You may also see a steady destruction of your bio-filter or a fialure for it to increase with bio-load leading to a decrease in water quality and sickness over time.
UV's do little to nothing in kiiling/combatting ich. It is a BIG Scam most LFS run promoting this as a preventer/killer of parasites. ALL a UV will do is marginally improve water quality. Exposure time and flow rates render most aquarium UV's ineffective. At best, the window when they can be a little beneficail is very small
Lower salinities may or may not harm animals long-term.
Ask your lfs what is the exposure time required to kill parasites with the UV he sold you. Or, contact the manufacturer and ask them.
Everything you have posted is basically incorrect with the exception of garlic saoked food.
Your system will crash. Let me know in a year or two how things are going.
Copper is like chemotherapy for maine animals. Prolonged exposure after treatment is cruel.
I recall you posting you run constant copper in your system.
Best of luck to your animals...with a death sentence on their head.
I strongly suggest you do research on the net with the type set-up you are running...prescription for death in the long run or short run.
I have made all the mistakes over the 30 plus years I have been in this hobby. Copper long term is BAD!!!!
Success in this hobby is measures in years. I recall you have been doing this for six months. let me know how your current fish are doing in a year. Most if not all will likely be dead....more so from the copper or side effects from prolonged exposre or system crash.
There is really nothing wrong with running a uv...but please do not post marine ich killer/combatter...simply not the case. They will marginally improve water quality and are beneficial in other areas. They also kill many beneficial 'critters" in your system. However, the combination of copper which will also kill these benficial "critters" and the uv means your crash could come quickly.
While many animals do well in lower salnities...many do not long-term.