hippo tang


i want to get a smal about 1 inch hippo tang in my 44 pedagon tank. i have 30 pounds of LR and 3 fish 2 clown 1 yellowtail damse. i will prob get like a royal rama nd a couple more fish can i put the hyppo tang?? i want an absolute minimum of swimming space range.,


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
i want to get a smal about 1 inch hippo tang in my 44 pedagon tank. i have 30 pounds of LR and 3 fish 2 clown 1 yellowtail damse. i will prob get like a royal rama nd a couple more fish can i put the hyppo tang?? i want an absolute minimum of swimming space range.,
6 feet minimum


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
i want to get a smal about 1 inch hippo tang in my 44 pedagon tank. i have 30 pounds of LR and 3 fish 2 clown 1 yellowtail damse. i will prob get like a royal rama nd a couple more fish can i put the hyppo tang?? i want an absolute minimum of swimming space range.,

First, you should really run your questions through spell checker before you put them on the board…not trying to flame you but it’s common courtesy. Second, a Hippo Tang (not Hyppo) will out grow a 44 pentagon (not pedagon). This will grow to be a large fish and it needs a lot more room. Also, your last sentence was confusing…why would you want minimize swimming space?


Active Member
if your water quaility is excellent it can be done for a long time untill you have to upgrade... my friend (that works at a lfs) has two tangs in a 40gallon for 5 yrs now... although the hippo can stress pretty easliy,,, so i wouldn't recommend this... besides, bigger tanks aren't that much more money.............
i have one in my 70 gallon and hes the only fish that will actually get large.. hippos are the best!


Active Member
put it this way, its like you are betting when u do this..... it may work or may not work.....