hippo tang

  • Thread starter angelofdeath132
  • Start date


can you people who have one give me your experiences with them, my wife and i really want one in a future aquarium bigger than my 55, but i've heard they're disease magnets. any input? thanks again.


They are absolutely my favorite fish, and have personalities. My old one was 8 years old. First he was in a 60 gallon FO, then a 85 FO, and then moved to our 140 reef. He died not no long after that move, don't know why. We used to have air bubbles in the FO tanks and he would "surf" the bubbles for hours on end. He looked like he was having such great fun. The one I have now in the reef tank plays too. He likes to go to the surface and grab a mouthful of air and then swim down deep and expell it. Not sure what he's trying to do, but it's kind of fun to watch.
They are a little more prone to ich that some fish, but I think it's worth it.


New Member
dude my favorite fish too...hippo's need a mature tank with excellent water conditions. I've seen these fish have little ich fits and seen it clear up in days as opposed to seeing my coral beauty react and have to yank him out and treat like right away. hmmm later


New Member
Ill agree with the last two replys. Not my favorite though. I have a very large Imperator angel thats definetly my favorite. Ive had my hippo for about 8 months now. He's "Huge". about 8 inches. I think hes maxed for my tank... hopefully. He has always been prone to ich but when I got my UV sterilizer, he hasnt had it at all.I would highly recommend the UV. My Imperator had popey and I tre ated him naturally without medications and then hooked up my UV. He looks perfect. I dont know if its all UV or not but its working for me. I had another one that was small which was really cool too but when they are that small they like to swim in weird positions and mine liked to swim horizontally and fit himself into tight crevices. He died due to getting stuck in one of those crevices without knowing how to get out. Anyway, get one, theyre beautiful!


I just had my first hippo lose a battle with ick. They are an awsome fish, and I waould recomend them to any one. I would just make sure you qt it for a good couple of weks. I did not and it almost wippped out my tank. i will be getting another one though. good luck,ricky