Hippo Tang


I just bought a Hippo Tang yesterday and its such a beautiful fish. Any how after it had been aclimated and so forth, about 4 hours later I came back home to see what he was up to and he was trying to position himself under a rock so that he would not float up, like he was trying to rest. Anyone familiar with this type of behavior or have any idea of why he would do this.


Active Member
Hippo/Regal tangs will often lay flat in a number of places. Under rocks, on the substrate, under filters/heaters etc. Normal activity.
How big is the tank, what size tank, what else is in the tank with him?


New Member
yeah mine would lay under things on their sides a lot too...then the two both got ich and died. oddly enough nothing else in the tank got it, not even my YT. Definately a fish to put in the QT though

dr. jay

Perfectly normal for a Hippo to do that. Not sure why they do. Will put himself under a rock when threatened or insecure almost to the point where it will hurt itself.
I QT'd mine for 3 weeks, but still developed ick. Cured easily. This June 25'th is his 2nd birthday with me. Beautiful Fish, and a pleasure to own.