Hippo tangs? & lifespans?

tahoe ocean

1. I'm trying to research Hippo tangs. Found a place that claims to have aquacultured Hippos that are hardy. Good idea? True? I've never had a tang last more than 6 months in my tank. But haven't tried in over 2 years.
2. Any one know where to find the ages fish live to?
Now I've got tomato (nearly 2yrs old), false perc (4 yrs), yellow tail dam (got as adult 5 years ago), CBS(in tank 1 month), 7 scarlet hermis, 2 blue hermis, 2 clams, 15 snails, 1 lefty hermi, and a neon dottyback(nearly 1 yr old). Also LR, mushrooms and a purple gorgonian. It's taken 5 years to get here, but I think I am nearly a reef tank. Started with fish only and have SLOWLY changed. My tank perams all test WNL weekly.

bang guy

Tell us about your system. They need plenty of running room or they tend to become stressed.
They normally live 50 - 60 years.

tahoe ocean

only a 50gal. & from my research, not big enough:(
guess I'll have to cut out a pic and stick it to the outside of the tank.


New Member
if you were to get a small one you might be able to keep it for a while. I have a very small Sail fin Tang and he seems to be very happy in only a 46 gal bow front. I'll probably get rid of him when he gets to about 5 inches. He is also one of the more hardier tangs out there and will eat anything. Blue hippos i've heard are more difficult.


I read an article in an aquarium magazine a while back, and the author mentioned his tomato clown that was 18 years old! That is simply amazing and makes me feel so good to see that people are caring for their fish for such a lengthy period.