Hippo with ich--help!


Active Member
The hippo tang in my 75 gallon (no flames, please...he came with the used system that I bought a few weeks ago, and I have been looking for a new home) seems to be developing ich.
The trouble is that I only have a 10 gallon qt available to me. What is the smallest tank in which I can do hypo on this guy? He's about 4-5 inches long.
If hypo turns out not to be an option, then what if anything can I do for him while in the tank? I have a number of corals in there, along with assorted inverts and other fish.
HELP! :help:


Either way the ich needs to be treated. So would think that 10 gal QT is better then nothing thats just my 2 cents.


Cleaners, either shrimp or fish, may help get ich off of fish, but don't do a thing to prevent it from afflicting the fish, nor cure it in the traditional sense.
I suppose it could be likened to nature's version of Rid-Ich or Kick-Ich.
At any rate, if you fish has/had ich, your tank has it.
Agree with Gmidd . . . while not optimal, a 10g QT is better than nothing.
Have you looked for a larger tank somewhere. Since QTs by nature must be minimally equiped, you could probably find a 20g or so within a reasonable price range. We got one of AGA's 20g packages they've recentely introduced, came with virtually everything necessary and we got it on sale for around $50-$55.


Active Member
Originally Posted by El Bob
get a cleaner shrimp
No. This will not solve the issue.
If you have ich you will need to set up a larger QT. ALL fish from your display will need to be taken out and QT for minimum 4 weeks in hypo. That is the only way to get rid of ich in a display tank. Ich's life cycle includes hosting on verts. If you remove all verts from the display you hopefully will rid thetank of ich.