
nm reef

Active Member
...resized a couple of fairly decent pics of my hippo...he's been with us now for about 18 months.

nm reef

Active Member
Here is the second look...anybody else have a favorite fish pic they wanna share on this fine Saturday mornin'?


Active Member
Beautiful Hippo Tang, NM reef! My camera is broken or else I would post some pics as well. Thanks for sharing yours, though!


Active Member
Hippo tangs are one of my favorites but I can't have one because my tanks are to small. Beautiful tank though!!


Is that thing color enhanced or is he really that pretty?? I've never seen one so blue. I love your Saturday mornin' shots NM!! I'm with FLATZBOY, my tank is also to small, but if I ever upgrade, I'm gettin' all of your feeding regimes! :yes:

nm reef

Active Member
That is its true coloration...pic was shot with actinics only and auto white balance...corals look greenish...but the photo was resized only...and the hippo does have freckels...they just don't show in the pics.

nm reef

Active Member
Nope...sorry...thats not Dori.
Dori was a animated character in a movie I believe.
That is "Jessie"...he has a foxface rabbitfish for his best buddy named "Frank"...as in the James Brothers. He does sort of look like Dori I suppose.:rolleyes:

nm reef

Active Member
I confess...I often get their names confused!!! But...they are collectively named "Frank" and "Jessie"...after the infamous James brothers. Tomorrow they may switch...again!!! But today thats my story and I'm stickin' to it....LMAO
Not only do I have the James Brothers(with the rotating names...I also have a pair of ORA raised clowns...ying&yang...they trade names too! Plus I have "toto" the flame angel...Zappa the kole tang...."bbbbbbennnnnnnnny the bi-color bbbbbbblenny..."leckter" the lamwnmower blenny...and a host of un-named shrimp/snails/crabs....so are ya'all makin' fun of my choice of names...or just makin' fun of my lack of vivid short term memory?!!?



Originally posted by NM reef
so are ya'all makin' fun of my choice of names...or just makin' fun of my lack of vivid short term memory?!!?


mr. tuna

Active Member
Very nice NM!!
How big was he when you got him? and how big is he now? He really does have a beautiful coloration, and looks very healthy. I have one Hippo in my 92 reef ( only tang inside) and i am worried that it will soon get too big. My tang is now only 2'' though. About how long until it will reach to the point that i should give him away?



Originally posted by MR. Tuna
Very nice NM!!
How big was he when you got him? and how big is he now? He really does have a beautiful coloration, and looks very healthy. I have one Hippo in my 92 reef ( only tang inside) and i am worried that it will soon get too big. My tang is now only 2'' though. About how long until it will reach to the point that i should give him away?

they get up to 12" but i have never since one in an aquarium bigger than 9"

nm reef

Active Member
I can't really answer your question precisely...mine was purchased about 18-20 months ago as a 2"-3" juvinile. It is now about 5"-6"...and I am sure it will eventually be closer to 10" within a few years.