hitch hicker


when i first got my LR back in may in may it had what i thought at the time was some thick green coralline algea. it faded and died during curing under my NO lights. then after getting new T5 lights a few months after that the green started to come back now i can tell what it really is, some kind of encrusting montipora. i'm realy excited about it, i'll post some pics a little later


Active Member
Are you sure its a monti? It could just be green coraline like you thought.
Montis wouldn't live through a cycle and probably won't live more than 2-3 weeks or so under NO lights.


Active Member
it also looks like seperate polyps and i think i can see a mouth in the first pic, i think it is some form of encrusting blasto, micromussen, or some other coral, but i dont think it is a sponge, nice hitch hiker no doubt, i love the color