Hitch hiker decription sorry no pics...


I know what bristle worms look like and these are not those before i begin.
I have a few critters runnign around my live rock that look like millipedes with distinct heads, distinct legs and a long tubular body. The are clearish and walk on legs with antennae, about as big around as thin yarn, and about 1/2 inch long. I havent added rock in about 6 months so i doubt they are really all that new,a nd i havent seen any eating my corals.
Any ideas? or at least a name i can try to search under?


Active Member
sounds like amphipods. look like this?

Good stuff, eat detritus, end up as free fish food. No worry here.


nah i have amphipods and know what they are. these are WAY more slender and much longer--it has LOTS AND LOTS of sets of legs


Active Member
Could it be these?

They totally move like millipedes. Some can look black and white stripes.
There's also an isopod... I'll get a pic.


Sorta, its that longish, but its actually shaped like a terrestrial millepede with round tube shaped body and feet pairs underneath.