hitch hiker


Active Member
i have a small crab with red legs and claws i have not been able to get a clear view of it yet. It is smaller than a pincky nail leags and all. It either has antena like eyes or to small horns on it shell and that is the only body view i can get. It is living in a circle cluster of candycane coral. Does anybody know something about this crab. I know it is not much of a description but i really want to know if someone says get it out now because it is bad or just keep a eye on it


You could try looking at the crabs they sell on this site to see if you can find it. It could be a Zebra Hermit crab, which is a good crab to have because it's a cleaner crab... eats algae and uneaten food. It is hard to tell though without a picture of yours. I guess if I where you, I would click on "Inverts" on the top left section of the screen to compare yours to theirs just to be sure. Sorry I am not much help!