HitchHiker ID Please!!!


I just bought some new Live ROck and noticed some HitchHikers. They are tubes that are about an inch long with what looks like a fan coming out of it. They almost look like really small feather dusters. I know the pictures are not the best but I think you might know just from my description.
Attachment 202435
Attachment 202436
Attachment 202437
I hope these guys are not harmful.



Harmful? I'm guessing not because you would have probably said so. Is there any benefit to having them in my tank? Not that I would get rid of them unless they were harmful.

bang guy

I would need a very detailed closeup to determine the species but there are no Feather Dusters that are harmful. All filter the water, most filter out bacteria and microorganisms. Many are beneficial in that they filter out detritus.


Active Member
They are just filter feeders, no real harmful effect at all. If they breed alot, it definitely can add a cool look to the tank.


Thanks a lot guys...I really excited my tank is still cycling and these are the first signs of life so far. Atleast I have something to look at now