Hitchhiker Sponge Care?


I just got a bunch of LR for my tank (FINALLY!!!) and I noticed that some of the pieces have some nice sponges on them so I asked the guy @ my LFS to bag those pieces in water for me. They're pink and red, and I would really like to keep them. What kind of special care, if any, do they need to thrive?


I have a ton (!!!!!) of hitch hiker sponges. I havent done anything for them and they keep growing. I had a cool pink sponge as well, but when I went through cyano and bubble algea, they apparently succked the nutrients out of the sponge.



Active Member
Usually nothing these types of sponges seem to be a little more hardy than the decrotive sponges you generally see for sale. I have had a few over the years and some of them even after being exposed to air several times for several minutes survive. Some types if there are excessive nutrients available can become somewhat of a nuisance.


Active Member
I tend to see them on the darker under surfaces of LR as well, not so much on the tops, for whatever reason.


Cool. Looks like I don't have to do much to keep these sponges and I just noticed that I have a lot of white sponges, too!!! I love hitchhikers!