hitchhikers....when will I see them???


Ok, my LR is in my tote...and has been all day, (tank is going up sunday, so its in the SW and has a pump and is approx 80 F)
When will I see any hitch hikers, Ive looked, and the most ive seen that I would consider alive...is a worm, and he wasn't moving or anything, just sitting inside of a hole in the rock. I didn't see either end of him, looked like the midle of a regular worm (like you would find in a garden)
also, I know I have to take a nylon bristle brush to that rock....and im getting a bit squeemish about doing it....I know I sound like such a girl..(no offense anyone, but didn't know how else to put it) but "GROSS!" it just looks soooooooooooooo GROSS! I just HATE bugs, I mean, really HATE them. Now I have to touch them on purpose.....UGH

I know I will have gloves on....but im one of those people who has her sister-in-law come over to cut up the raw chicken so I can vacuume pack it for the freezer...I cant stand to touch it. I wont touch a dry potato....I have to wet them first, just cant stand the feel.
Why wasn't I born rich, so I could hire someone to do this crap...LOL
anyway, info on the sight of hitch hikers anyone??



Typically you won't see most of the hitchikers right away. Moving the lr will have spooked most of them and they will not come out until the rock has been left undisturbed for a few days. But the best way is to use a flashlight with some red cellophane over it in the middle of the night. Most hitchikers are nocturnal.


You will be amazed at what will come from the LR, once the water conditions are safe for them. Your tank needs to be set up and cycled first. You'll see more & more types of life as you go through cycling


You NANCY! lol. lol. J/K. once you do it a few times you will like it. its like --- (well for most people, from what I hear, I never looked back). lol.lol. Hitchers wont show up for some time unless you have some big ones. Dont be afraid. The worst that can happen is a mild sting or six. lol. Potatoes? Really? How do you feel about squid? Have a great day. Best wishes,.


Active Member
when i got my rock, i had over 15 mini brittles, 2 pistol shrimp, 1 mantis shrimp, about 9 emerald crabs just in the bottom of the 2 boxes i got. after a while, i had tons of whelks, a sea slug, over 12 urchins, a very big clam eating flat worm, and 5 gorilla crabs.


Originally Posted by renogaw
when i got my rock, i had over 15 mini brittles, 2 pistol shrimp, 1 mantis shrimp, about 9 emerald crabs just in the bottom of the 2 boxes i got. after a while, i had tons of whelks, a sea slug, over 12 urchins, a very big clam eating flat worm, and 5 gorilla crabs.
Where the heck did you get your lr from? I want some!


Active Member
my lfs was getting in a 10 box order, about 40 lbs each box. I had him put 2 extra boxes on and ended up getting my price per lb down from 8.99/lb to about $6.50 as long as i grabbed the 2 boxes.
it was out of the water friday morning, onto a plane, and into my tubs by 3pm. had absolutely no die off that i could tell.


Originally Posted by REEFER545
You NANCY! lol. lol. J/K. once you do it a few times you will like it. its like --- (well for most people, from what I hear, I never looked back). lol.lol. Hitchers wont show up for some time unless you have some big ones. Dont be afraid. The worst that can happen is a mild sting or six. lol. Potatoes? Really? How do you feel about squid? Have a great day. Best wishes,.
OMG....I wouldn't touch squid for a million dollars! and yep, potatoes....really
. I dont know, just cant stand the feel of them. I know....im a freak! LOL
anyway,,,no critters in my tank yet, but its up and running, I have a few updated pics in the picture post...Photography, ??
I helped clean the rock, and all I can say is YUC! that was nasty, but I was lucky, very little die off, bought Pre-cured and it was in the tote for a couple days in salt water, with a pump, around 78-80 degrees. so it wasn't bad and thank god it didn't even smell bad

anyway, check out my pics in the other post, tell me what all of you think.
thanks, Lori