Hitchicker ID........


Sorry no pic, I have been curing LR for 2 months in a 10gl and thought I removed all the unwanteds....dang! I put just 8lbs in the display today and found a little crab(gray with small claws and red eyes. He is smooth surfaced.) ANY IDEAS?


Well, I have no idea what he is but I'll tell you what I do know...
He is extremely shy, I had him for at least a year before my 10 year old spotted him. He eats coralline algae, as shown in the pics. You will see scratches on it in the morning. He will also eat meaty foods that you put near his hole. I feed him silversides. When he molts he will blockade himself into a hole, don't worry he'll manage to get free on his own.
He has never harmed a fish, never harmed a coral, never harmed a shrimp or anything else for that matter. Had him since tank set up with no probs in a full reef.
Never did find an id on the little guy.

reef bug

I found two of these in my tank and spent hours online trying to ID. No success. There are hundreds of crabs.
So far, mine seem to be harmless. Very shy as Tiz said. One was under a loose rock in the front, so I flipped the rock over and caught him. He grabbed onto the rock like a baby with no signs of agression. Sent him off to Sumpland just in case. The other one lives under a huge center base rock so it will be impossible to get him with major reconstruction.
I have been watching him closely since I found him. So far, no coral damage anywhere, and he seems firendly. Yesterday he and one of my peppermints came out from under the same rock toegther for dinner. Funny seeing the two of them hanging out..very odd couple!
I will remain cautious until I can get a positive ID. He has some mean looking claws, but as each day passes I am starting to like him.