Hitchiker ID please !!


i need help,
theres 2 of them and they were both latched onto my pink tip anemone, they left holes in the base of it ....
page 2 of my webshots link


Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Looks like a Nudi to me, if you have Zoos or small polyp corals get rid of it!!
No do not get rid of nudibranches just because its a nudibranch. Id it first so we can make a determination on it, and figure out just what its diet is. Don't be so quick to step on a slug. Some only eat algae and are nice to have around, some only eat flat worms..etc...Some of course are bad and should be removed. But lets not be to hasty!


Originally Posted by KrazyK
i need help, theres 2 of them and they were both latched onto my pink tip anemone, they left holes in the base of it ....
I'm sorry but with those pics its just too hard to tell. See if you can catch one of these things and get a better pic.


Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm sorry but with those pics its just too hard to tell. See if you can catch one of these things and get a better pic.

with this latched onto my anemone, wouldnt they say enough that i should be gettin rid of it ?
did you see all the newer pics on page 2 ?


Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Looks like a Nudi to me, if you have Zoos or small polyp corals get rid of it!!

which one? the white one or the purpleish ones?


Originally Posted by Thomas712
I can't really tell with any of those pictures.

i dont see how you cant tell with the pics maxium size but when i get back to my house, I will see what I can do for some better pictures and if I can, I am just going to remove them..... if i can catch them etc... =0(


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Is it anything like this

Kind of but no ...
I am gonna try to remove it now ...


I caught one of them, the other I'll have to tear up my whole tank, I'll wait until it comes forward... I had to flush my pink haitian tip as well, as he wasnt looking to well from the wounds caused by these things... when I grabbed him with tweasers a couple of its stringy things fell off, hopefully they wont reproduce???
I hope these pics are better cuz I just flused him and the poor pink haitian tip

I found this pic, it looks like this but it was more of a purple brownish color... : http://diver.net/elaine/2003.09.05-0...UDIBRANCHS.jpg
Edit: I now know this is some sort of NUDIBRANCH but what kind and how to get rid of them? I believe they layed eggs which are white squigly looking things...
I got one out of the tank and flushed em, they killed my pink tip anemone, well he wasnt fully dead but he was not looking good at all after noticing him being eaten alive
please help =0)
Sorry Thomas712 but the from the pictures this nudi looks just like the ones I have seen posted by zoanthid people as a no-no. I knew it wasnt a lettuce nudi by the one picture.


Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Sorry Thomas719 but the from the pictures this nudi looks just like the ones I have seen posted by zoanthid people as a no-no. I knew it wasnt a lettuce nudi by the one picture.
i can tell you it'll eat anemones as well.. killed my pink tip, it best leave me flower tips alone
how can i get them out ?
No easy way I've ever heard of except doing dips for zoos and picking them out by hand. I would do a search on nudi's or check with an expert. I know I saw some information about this at Reef Central.


Dragonladylea ~
The more opinions and answers we get the better. I just thought your first response was pretty generic and it sounded like you were saying if it is a nudi then it has to go. Your next response about it looking like one you were warned about makes more sence. Here is one known to go after leather corals.
Other than one that will eat aiptaisa I don't know of one that eats other anemones.
Here is the picture of a recent caught coral eating Nudi. Recommended Lugol dip for getting rid of these. Will not get rid of eggs though.