hitchiker id


New Member
hey guys. I've recently discovered some creatures running around on and in my lr. the best discription i can give is they look like silverfish or little centipedes with antennae. they are about 1/4" long and cream colored. i'm not quite sure if they are copepods(to me pods look more like fleas). any ideas?


Active Member
They are larger than the flea sized ones u see climbing all over the glass.


New Member
I am starting to doubt the bugs are copepods. I put a piece of shrimp in the tank for my starfish and a gang of these bugs came running out of a piece of lr and drug it into the rock. the largest bug was about 3/8" long. i don't think any dragonet could get big enough to eat that sucker! they kinda look like millipedes with long antannae. anyone know what these things are?