Hitchiker upkeep


I got alot of hitchikers on my live rock (a small star, feather dusters, snail) do i need to buy food for them.....i bought some dry plankton but i dont know if it'll work


Active Member
Has your tank cycled yet? What are your water parameters? You may loose them before you even need to feed them.


I've only had the tank up for three days now.....basically still setting up, i figured id lose them while cycling


Active Member
Yeah, you will most likely loose them but there is a chance they will live. The star will eat either seaweed flakes or shrimp depending on the type of star. The hermits will chow on the seaweed. The dusters will be fine as they are filter feeders and don't require light (assuming they make it through the cycle).


your plankton is definately not pointless. Id continue feeding small amounts, watch the cycle, you can do water changes, the tank will possibly cycle more slowly, but if I were to do it again thats how I would do it... try to preserve as much life on the rock as possible... I woiuld even add light right away. Some will say dont add light right away as you could develop an algae bloom. I (personally) would not worry about that .. let the cycle go more slowly with water changes then deal with an algae problem IF it comes... You will have an algae issue anyway... just keep nutrient down via water changes with RO/DI
Just my 2c... keep us posted whatever you do.


Active Member
Thanks Sammie...I was going to suggest something similar but wasn't 100% sure if it would work or create twice the algae than normal.