Hitckhiker ID Please!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's some background: I just setup my tank a few days ago. I went to my lfs to get some base rock with coraline on it. The base rock came from an established tank at his shop. I figured since I have no fish I would just put it in my tank. I have noticed several hitchhikers all of which have been small and good for my tank. HOWEVER I noticed another hitchhiker in one of the bigger pieces of rock. I have not been able to get a picture but from my visual observation this is what I know. It is dark brown to black. Seems to have several legs (on at least one side) with bumps and spines/hair on them. Based on the way it is oriented how I think it is 2-3 inches wide (but it might be 2-3 inches long instead, The only problem I have with this is that if that is the case it has leg either infront or behind it. If I were to guess I would say a type of crab based on the fact that it appers to haave mutiple legs on one side. I would really appriciate your guesses. I will try to post a picture as soon as i can get on. I am just trying to determine if this is a good thing or a bad thing... If you have pictures of what you think it is send them my way so that I can compare.... :help: :help: :help:


Here is a picture of it hiding in the rock!!!
Also I have a small (3/4-1") red worm/centipede with little hairs/legs. Any thoughts!!!!


no idea about the thing in the pic. the worm is probably a bristle worm. check the hitch hikers thread though....


bristle worms are ok. it definitely looks like a crab. almost looks like a emerald mithrax crab, but then again i may be wrong


New Member
Bristol worms aren't bad for your tank. They're just little worms that end up in your tank because they live in rock and sand in the ocean and get transported from there. However if they bother you, you can go to your LFS and buy traps to catch them.


After looking at the photo's online I think IT MIGHT BE AN emerald mithrax crab. So if it is the type of crab will it casuse an issue in my tank. Also, This is a new tank so what should I feed it since there is not a lot of algea....


emerald crabs are good i have 2 in my tank, and they eat whatever i feed the tank. along with grazing on the rockwork


New Member
I have an emerald for a while. It does not eat my fish or inverts. It's pretty cool.


one more thing. There is a second crab in the rock (can you believe this), much smother looking, dark in color (somewhat brown), I don't think it is a hetmet, Any idea. I know this isn't much to go on but he hides very well....
ALSO, what specifically do I feed them. My tank is new so no algea or anything for them to eat yet!!!!!


Active Member
I think that picture looks like an emerald too, but other crabs may have the hairy legs as well.
If you are concerned about them eating just drop in a small amount of fish flake or pellets every other day or so while your tank is cycling. This will give them something to munch on so you will not worry about them and it will help along your cycle. Just monitor you Ammonia and Nitrite levels so you can do water changes before they get too high and harm the hitch hikers.


Thanks, are most of the crabs ok to have with fish and inverts. Are there any that are not. what are they so I can compare the pics to my second, unknown, crab...


Active Member
There are some predatory crabs out there but sometimes it can be hard to tell. If you look at the claw on what we think is the emerald crab it should have disk-like ends on the pinchers....these are meant for algae grazing not chomping up meATY TYPE FOODS. iF THE MYSTERY CRAB HAS LARGE SCARY LOOKING CLAWS YOU MAY WANT TO REMOVE HIM..... woops, sorry I hit caps lock.
You could always set up a coke bottle trap and see if you can catch it for a better look.


i had a hairy hitchiker crab that looked like that and it turned out to be a teddy bear crab that ate my bangaii cardinal fish so my advice would be to get it out soon as you can just incase.


one other thing i forgot to mention is when i tryed getting it out it actually went for me so be careful. apparently teddy bear crabs are meant to be peaceful but can go on a murderous rampage. well the the one i had did anyway.


rule of thumb is that if the crab has pointed pinchers, it has potential to be dangerous to your fish and other inverts... emerald crabs remove bubble algae, so that can be good too.
and vogel, just for future reference, what you have is live rock, base rock is a rock that is dead and dry and is just used as a "base" to build other rock on. People also buy some base rock and some LR, as the LR will eventually "seed" the base rock, and the base rock will become live.
Just so you don't get confused later on.


Active Member
Do a search on this site or mantis trap or shrimp trap etc., I have seen some great instructions complete with illustration. :joy: The basic idea is to cut the neck off a plastic soda bottle and invert it inside the base securing with tape. May need to add a rock or sand to weigh it (the bottle) down once in the tank, not sure though. Stick some food inside the bottle. Many critters will enter for food but be unable to leave before you have caught them.


Any clues on the unknown crab its about 1 inch across, has a relatively smooth shell. Dark, maybe brown. No hairs that I can see. Likes to hide...