Hitting the two year mark


Finally made room to add a nice MH. It is clamped above the tank and angles toward the front. Everything is happier. 54 gallon bowfront corner tank.



Tank looks great....Can you post a pic of the light? I have the same tank and I am curious how you have it on there


Thanks all, the tank is mounted through the wall and when I did it, it was freshwater so I didn't make the hole much taller than the tank. I just did a bit more trimming so I could slide the T5 fixture forward so it is sitting where it was originally intended. I put a shelf up high for the MH power supply and then used the same shelf to clamp to. I had no idea what a unit it was when I ordered it but what a difference it makes. Everything has stayed alive but growth has been marginal. When I see other tanks with Zoaies encrusting surrounding rocks I am inspired to figure it out. I am up to 19 devices plugged in so will have to redo my electrical configuration as I don't have enough to keep it all plugged in so have to make choices.
Great Falls, MT, we have a great LFS here called Petcetra. The owner keeps the tanks looking great, especially his show tank. Gives us all motivation.


scott t

Active Member
Beautiful tank, just hope when i get going mine will look like all the Awesome ones i have seen on here.
Whats that Green stuff Behind the Mushrooms??


It is called Maiden's Hair or Turtle Grass. I have three crabs that live in it. I like the bright splash of the contrasting color. It is very fine and sways in the current.

scott t

Active Member
Sweet getting so many Ideas for when i set up my tank which i hope i can do in the next couple of months. woo hooo =)


Originally Posted by jpgnmt
Great Falls, MT, we have a great LFS here called Petcetra. The owner keeps the tanks looking great, especially his show tank. Gives us all motivation.
If I make it up to Great Falls I'll definitely check it out. It's a bit of a drive from down here on the Bitterroot
We actually have a local SWF guy in Missoula it's called Reef Missoula. He's doing business out of his house for now.
Your tank looks Awesome keep the pics comming


Thanks. My daughter lives in Missoula so I get over there fairly often. I had stuck my head in the one by Albertsons and thought it was awful. I think Billings has a nice one but I never get down there.


No problem, Banjaii Cardinal, Sixline Wrasse, Barberi Clown, Fridmani Pseudochromis, 2 Yellowtail Damsels, 3 Two-stripe Damsels, 3 Jewel Damsels, Skunk Cleaner shrimp, Peppermint shrimp, Coralbanded Shrimp, red, purple, hairy, blue mushrooms, pulsing Xenia, GSP, Frogspawn, six bubble tip anems, Cocoa worm, Maiden's Hair, green, orange zoas, two groups of palythoas, I think that is it.


Originally Posted by jpgnmt
Thanks. My daughter lives in Missoula so I get over there fairly often. I had stuck my head in the one by Albertsons and thought it was awful. I think Billings has a nice one but I never get down there.
Probably Tropical World. He is a FW guy. From what I've heard Bozeman/Belgrade have some good SWF stores.


I think it was Blue Something, really nasty tanks. He had taken over for the original owner who had passed away. Helena has one downtown now but they had a fire a while back and are not open yet. I looked in the window last week and the display tanks are running so I assume they will open eventually.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jpgnmt
No problem, Banjaii Cardinal, Sixline Wrasse, Barberi Clown, Fridmani Pseudochromis, 2 Yellowtail Damsels, 3 Two-stripe Damsels, 3 Jewel Damsels, Skunk Cleaner shrimp, Peppermint shrimp, Coralbanded Shrimp, red, purple, hairy, blue mushrooms, pulsing Xenia, GSP, Frogspawn, six bubble tip anems, Cocoa worm, Maiden's Hair, green, orange zoas, two groups of palythoas, I think that is it.
Is the Jewel Damsels the bright blue one in the first picture? Not the Yellowtail ones. Have you had any problems with agression? I have heard if you have enough damsels they wont cause agression...is that true for your? Nice tank again.


The Jewels have kind of a cool pattern on their sides, of black and blue. I had Chromies for a while and they grew into a pain with the introduction of new fish, specifically a beautiful Powder Blue Tang that was a traumatic, ugly experience. I went crazy getting them out since my rockwork is all interconnected. My experience is that the Damsels only bother each other which I don't mind. My Cardinal is in charge of everyone and the Barberi Clown hates all the Damsels equally, the Psuedo has a great attitude and no one bothers him. The Two Stripes chase each other around the tank but not to the point of damage. I put a pair of black and white clowns in and the Sixline took an immediate dislike and killed both of them. I switched to the Barberi Clown as it was said to be one of the most aggressive clowns. I got two originally but one hated the other so I gave the most aggressive to a local high school with a salt tank and he is doing fine, just hated same species. The fins on the picked on Barberi quickly healed and she is doing great, if bored she will chase the Damsels around the tank but no one seems to bite. You can get lots of variety of Damsels at 3.99 a fish compared to Black and White clowns at $49 each. When I first got the Chromies, it was cool to watch them school around but as they grew they all got independent.


Thanks for the kind words. The camera is a Nikon 300 and I usually shoot aquarium shots with a 60mm macro. The 300 will control SB800 flashes wirelessly so sometimes I will set one on top and that really extends the ability. My tank is a bow front so I can only shoot things fairly close to the front and get acceptable focus unless I do a full tank shot. I am a photographer by trade so the photos should be decent or I will get fired.


haha i got ya. do you know of any cheaper hand held digital cameras that can get this effect?? i am looking to purchase one soon but i want a good one thats decently priced. my main goal being photographing my aquarium obviously. any thoughts?