Hiya! Total SW newbie here!


Hey everyone!

I've been keeping fish for over 10 years, but only freshwater. Other than the one 20 gallon SW tank that I started about a year ago, and unfortunately never got it passed the point of just barely set up before I moved. It never had any critters in it and was basically just the SW live rock and filter, no big investment. I have not yet tried again, but am totally itching to try it out again, this time for the LONG haul!
Well, basically I'm just here to suck ya'lls brians for info before setting up my tank, I don't want to get into more than I think that I can handle! I'm a firm believer in doing your homework!! I'm sure to have some total dork questions, but I have read most of the bigginer posts on here and am learning tons already that I was totally unaware of!
I have a 30 gallon cube that I was wanting to use to start with, I haven't looked into filtration or any of that yet, but I have a bare tank, and I think that the cube would make a nice little reef tank. I'm hoping anyway!!
Any info that ya'll have to offer up will be recieved warmly!!
Thanks in advance!!



Active Member
if its a cube isnt there already a filtration setup? you may need new ceramic rings for biological, however i like to use rubble rock instead. you also have your basic sponges, which i would pull one out and use a poly filter. ($11 and u cut it in half and use it twice) it sucks all the absorps all the bad chemicals and will change colors so you know what its pulling out. usually good for a month to 5 weeks then switch. you can keep some bioballs but if you making a reef theres no real need for them. unless you clean them off about once a month or 2.
some people have refugiums for reefs which will suck up any excess nitrates. you can use mineral mudd and some shaving brushes and cheato with lr. after some time people even put small fish or inverts in there too. you need a good light for photosynthesis of the plants. refuge lights on when your tank lights are off and refuge lights off when your main tank lights are on.
hope that helps


Active Member
You are already off to a better start than when I started in this hobby.
Welcome to the board, you will learn a TON here.


Welcome to the boards.

Sounds like you will be off to a great a start as you are researching before you get started.

The hardest part is getting started I think. Once you get your tank cycling there will be big urge to put fish in there but the trick is to be patient. The only things that happen fast in a SW tank are bad things.
I would recommend doing a search on here for cycling a tank using the dead shrimp method.
Again, welcome to the boards and be sure to ask lots of questions. FYI, when you have questions you can get better luck in getting them answered if you only ask one question in the thread.


Originally Posted by skipperdz
if its a cube isnt there already a filtration setup? you may need new ceramic rings for biological, however i like to use rubble rock instead. you also have your basic sponges, which i would pull one out and use a poly filter. ($11 and u cut it in half and use it twice) it sucks all the absorps all the bad chemicals and will change colors so you know what its pulling out. usually good for a month to 5 weeks then switch. you can keep some bioballs but if you making a reef theres no real need for them. unless you clean them off about once a month or 2.

Actually, No, it's just the tank, It's not a cube like the marineland cubes that have the filtration already built into it. I would have to get the filter and all the other gadets. I don't even have lighting for it right now. That's why I'm here!!

Thank you guys for the welcome and I hope to be posting and asking questions soon!
Already so helpful!!


I cant speak for everyone but depending on the LFS you shop at, ask a lot of questions there. I only recently found this board and started the hobby by talking to the guys at the store. Not only did i learn a lot from some people that have been in it for a long time but met some people that share the love of SW. Thats my 2 cents... Welcome to the hobby, you'll never look back


Unfortunately I have just moved and haven't found an LFS that I am going to call home yet. Hopefully soon enough I'll find a decent one without having to order from my home town WAY back in TX!! *still reading threads!*
Damn, this site has SOOO much info! I'm almost confusing myself with all the stuff!

...Off to read more posts!