HLLE: Please advise


Hello everyone, well my yellow tang has what appears to be HLLE, he has a long white stripe one on both sides of his body. After reading my books. Ive come to believe that this is HLLE. which may come from many things, it also says that a poor diet could be one of the reason this happens. Ive had him only three weeks now, and all I feed my fish is brine shrimp. To treat HLLE, the book says I should increase the vegetable matter in the tang's diet. My question is how do I get him to eat it, Ive added some lettuce but the tang doesnt eat it, last seen the crabs was eatting it up. How do I get him to the vegetables. Or is there some other kind of vegetable matter that I can offer him.
55 gal with wet/dry bio, slump
2 402 PH's
Berlin Skimmer
65 lbs LR
55 lbs LS
1 yellow tang (HLLE)
1 green chorims
1 scooter benny
1 bi-color benny
2 clowns
1 coral banded shrimp
1 camel back shrimp
1 serpent star
1 emerald crab
1 sally crab
4 sand crabs
1 horseshoe crab
10 small turbo snails


My Yellow Tang love to eat Nori (sushi wrap). You can get it at any local asian supermarket, plus it's much cheaper there. Your Tang may not eat it right away so don't rush. It took my Tang about 3 days before he starts tearing it away and now he will not be happy without it.


Active Member
As bang guy said white stripes on the sides of the body are normal. I'll attach a pic of mine. It's not as noticable durring the day as it is at night.
As far as feeding you should vary the diet with some other frozen foods, soaked in garlic, and zoe. I use frozen foods from the LFS such as emerals entree, mysis shrimp, marine cusine, formula 1 & 2, among others. Brine shrimp doesn't have much nutrional value. I do feed some frozen brine from time to time.


Staff member
There's a clip that is sold for the hobby that the lettuce attaches to. It has a suction cup that then attaches to the aquariam. See if you can get it. If the fish don't eat it right away, just leave the lettuce in the tank waving around in the water so that the fish gets used to seeing it. After a couple hours change out the lettuce leaf for a fresh one, until the fish gets the hang of it.
Use dark green romaine lettuce. Also, try offerring Seaweed Selects, which is a marine algae sold in the hobby. If you can't find this, the Oriental Dept of the grocery store will carry Nori, basically the same thing.
Luttuce clip looks exactly like this only without the brown grid on the bottom:

chef jaysen

Just thought I would show you what hlle really looks like. Mine had it for 2 weeks before I realized that their was a 24 watt current going through the tank. I got a grounding probe and diversified the diet and he got alot better. Around a month to look healthy again. Good luck.................