

Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJoGeno
How do I rid my coral beauty and sailfin of HLLE?
The causes of HLLE disease are:
Poor water quality
Poor diet
Stray voltage
Some feel the cause for HLLE is unknown.
How to you cure/reverse HLLE disease? You must first identify if any causes are present and remove/improve. Feed your fish a nutritional balanced diet soaked in vitamins and garlic. The diet should be appropriate for the species/animal. Macroalgae and setting up a refugium containing same has been proven to help reverse/cure HLLE. It provides a more natrual filtration as well as a place to grow vitamin rich macroalgae.
You also need to post the size of your system, filtration, water parameters, etc. ALso, are you using tap water? nasty crap can be found in some tap water.


New Member
35g hex, I use distilled water bought from the store. My water quality is good, nutrition is should be ok. When my fish got the sickness, they were the only fish in my tank and stress is definelty not a factor. The voltage thing I really dont understand, so please emphasizes on that one. Where would one pick up vitamins for the aquarium?


Active Member
Get a voltage meter and test for stray voltage in the water. Your system is small for a Sailfin especially if a medium or large.
Selcon is a good product to soakfood in as well as garlic. You should be feeding your tang plenty greens...and your angel too.
Should you get a reading of voltage present in the tank unplug equipment until you identify the faulty piece...reapir and/or replace same.
I would also suggest testing all water parameters if you have not done so.
Also, you should post your temp and how much water movement you have in your systems. Tangs like/need plenty water movement.
Please know you Sailfin needs a much larger system and will eventually die from stress or is already under stress if he is feeling cramped.


New Member
Ive had my sailfin for about 2 years and he has gotten to be quite large. I did not research the size of my tank for the sailfin since my girlfriend came home with him one day. That fish is my pride and is quite smart. When I open the top, he comes to the top and eats from my hand. No matter where I am in the room, he stays in an area so he can see me and shows off. I know I should have brought him back to the store when I found out that I needed more space for him but it was too unbearable. I feed him greens always as well as my coral beauty. I have one powerhead for circulation of the tank and a fuval for a filter. What do you mean by parameters?


Active Member
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, specific gravity, pH, alkalinity and temperature to start. How often do you do water changes, and how much? Do you have a skimmer? What sort of foods, specifically, do you feed?
I think that the size of the tank is a real issue with that tang and I would beg you to please either get a larger tank (in the 125 range or larger) or consider trading it in...though if it has HLLE many LFS may not take it.
HLLE is, IMO, a symptom/disease related to stress. Something is not right for those fish whether it is water quality, diet, stray voltage, etc. And a glaring thing off the mark is having them in a 35 hex. Really, truly, it is not a good situation for them :(


New Member
The local LFS puts there tangs in 5 gallon tanks by themselves.... They also have more than enough sailfins and I do not believe mine is better due to the HLLE and would not entice another Enthusiast. I guess the only options left is to a) get a bigger tank b) take him out and flush him to save his stressfull misery or c) keep him where he is.... I will get a bigger tank eventually but right now Im going with c......


Active Member
Well at least you can attempt to address potential other issues that may be aggravating the situation (water quality - esp nitrate levels), diet and stray voltage. After all, there is a reason the angel has it as well.


New Member
you are right, but my levels are good.... I appreciate all the concern, my LFS probaly wouldnt care as long as Im putting money in their pockets.... All I want to do is get my fish healthy and believe it or not, the tang is happy, I just want him and the angel to be healthy. The stray voltage needs to be addressed and the only thing it could be is the powerhead since I changed every thing in my tank except the powerhead. The reason I have a 35g hex its a fantastic tank that fits in small areas unlike a 120g that takes up a lot of space even though it definelty serves its purpose. I found some MEDS but I do not like to add foreign substances to my tank even though when I first got the tang he had to be hospitilized due to ich and was treated and cured. Maybe Ill take the tang and angel and hospitlize them and treat them.. Thank you :happy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJoGeno
you are right, but my levels are good.... I appreciate all the concern, my LFS probaly wouldnt care as long as Im putting money in their pockets.... All I want to do is get my fish healthy and believe it or not, the tang is happy, I just want him and the angel to be healthy. The stray voltage needs to be addressed and the only thing it could be is the powerhead since I changed every thing in my tank except the powerhead. The reason I have a 35g hex its a fantastic tank that fits in small areas unlike a 120g that takes up a lot of space even though it definelty serves its purpose. I found some MEDS but I do not like to add foreign substances to my tank even though when I first got the tang he had to be hospitilized due to ich and was treated and cured. Maybe Ill take the tang and angel and hospitlize them and treat them.. Thank you :happy:
No meds will cure HLLE...you can start by providing them with the appropriate home in order to bring about a reversal of the disease. A hex simply does not provide the swimming space. I can assure you there is no magic potion #9 that will cure HLLE. No colored water or miracle additive will work. It is your neglect in providing the appropiate enviornment that has led to the HLLE. You have been given advice but it appears you already have the answers.
The fact your sailfin has HLLE is an indication he is not happy.
There is nothing wrong with a 35 hex...but it is not suited for the two fish you have.
Best of luck....you'll need plenty of it.


Active Member
Yup, no meds for it.
Two primary issues we keep asking about are water chems and feeding. You may think they are great and you know what, they may be. Allow yourself the pat on the back and put people at ease. When addressing disease issues, people want to see the readings. A classic example is people wondering why their inverts die and they have "perfect" specific gravity. Upon further investigation they do, at 1.020 it is, many would argue, "perfect" for fish only systems but fatal to inverts. Nitrate levels (in particular though I imagine chronic poor water quality including pH issues and alkalinity could be a concern) chronically above, lets say 60 would be a concern.
Tangs and angelfish require lots of diversity in feeding, lots of frozen formulations for herbivores/omnivores and angels in particular...home made food, lots of greens (esp nori with less stuff like romaine)...and less so in pellets/flakes if that is part of the diet. Also brine should not be a primary diet. Additional vitamin supplementation by soaking food in selcon or similar - or a variety of other products now on the market helps.
You can replace everything peice of equipment on a tank, and still have stray voltage...that is something to test for and eliminate (though many eliminate it offhand, I think it should still be considered).
Really people do want to help. If you can't get a larger tank, at least consider making sure everything else truly is the best you can provide. Even if you had a rectangular tank...it is better than a hex. Hex tanks tend to be tall, and thus have a number of issues with running properly (in particular, gas exchange and pH fluctuations). So though it is no where near ideal, if you can find a 3 or 4' space for a 58/65 or 55g it would be significantly better, IMO, than a hex...though not ideal.