hmmm need your input. . . .


Active Member
kalkwisser of 2 part additive
what i have heard is that kalk has been a proven thing and i would do a constant drip method over a week and refill due to consumption and evaporation. i also heqard it raises ph alot and is difficult to control.
2 part additives are supposed to be a additive not only with calcium but other trace elements. bad thing is it maybe be large araises in calcium suddenly and could effect the tank is not done right.
what is better and plz say why thx



Active Member
I voted kalkwasser. While I have never used any other method of calcium supplementation, I believe that nature's complexity stems from its simplicity. In other words, why add two things when you can just add one that takes care of ph, calcium, and alkalinity all in one?


Active Member
I voted two part. Kalk, if done wrong, can MESS your tank up BAD. And it is easy to do wrong.


Active Member
i have done my research and know i can drp it right, i have been studying calcium intake of my reef and evaporation rates so i could do it correctly, which would be better if it was used correctly.


Active Member
Mix the kalkwasser, cap the container and let it sit for 24 hours. Drip it into the tank after 24 hours, careful not to shake the container, which could cause the particles on the bottom to become suspended. You do NOT want the white powder in your tank, just the water.
ps- kalkwasser is also WAY less expensive than a 2-part additive, as you can goto the local grocery store and buy pickling lime powder. It has the same makeup as kalkwasser and is dirt cheap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spafeature
How can it be done wrong? Wouldnt you just mix something like Kent's pwd and then add to tank?
well for starters. . . doing is too high and your tank fails, your container is not air tight or appropriate, you get the powerder in the aquarium, and much otherthings that could happen. its just takes alot of testing and adjusting but after that it should be ok.


Active Member
i use B-ionic in my 100 G with 2 clams sps lps and other things that soak up calcium
its very easy to use just check your water and see how its being used then up or lower ur dosage accordingly...
my next tank im using a reactor though get it more automated i forget to dose sometimes lol


Active Member
I have only been using the 2 part since Katrina, so I'm no pro. My Alk is where I want it but my Ca is still low... I wonder if it is ok to add more of the Ca part and just keep doing what I am doing for the ALK part?


Active Member
only thing sucky about it is u run out of one sooner than the other.... ive had to add a lil extra of each at times no prob


Active Member
only thing sucky about it is u run out of one sooner than the other....
That's what I was thinking!


Active Member
cool, good stuff.. im leaning toward the ionic 2 part, anyone else wanna add there two cents to the thread before i make a decision?


Active Member
Why would you pay the $10 or $15 or whatever the 2 -part additives cost for a small bottle when you can pay like $2 for a huge amount of pickling lime at the grocery store (same a kalkwasser).


I use bionic its very easy and have had good results. Kalk seems like too much of a hassle to me. It takes me 30 secs every morning that it. I will be getting a calcium reactor when I get some cash which would be the easiest route.


Active Member
either one you have to test to make sure you are putting in the correct amount.
I use both.

To me, it's easier with the kalk.(and cheaper)
I just gotta finish my reactor.


Active Member
ok i think im going with the bi-onic to make things a little easyer i had it recommeded by a lfs owner but i wanted to check it out thx
any more last second suggestions before i go out tommorow?