

Ok i I'm thinking about changing to a reef tank but . . . my FO tank that i have had for about 3-4 years is getting a little old. The skimmer seems almost to old to use for a good reef tank and the only other filter i have is a whisper/carbine filter. with just about everything needing to be replace besides the tank its self would it be smart to think about changing my 55g into a QT and getting a bigger tank with new lights filters and/ect if i had the money? Or keep the tank and just rebuild it with better filters/lights? any input would be helpful bad or good its sorta of an odd question but I'm not sure what would be better, oh and i don't really want to go over 150g for a tank size.

scopus tang

Active Member
Why convert your 55 into a QT tank? Why not keep it FO and do a separate Reef tank? You can keep different fish in a FO then you can in a Reef. In my personal opinion/experience, if you're going to go reef buy the biggest dang tank you can afford to maintain and stock, you have enough room for and proper floor supports in your home for (check this, you don't want to have to sell a new tank cause it makes your floor sink), and you are willing to do the work to maintain. Realize with a bigger tank you are going to spend at least one day a month, and probably many more hours besides, doing nothing but working on the tank (filter changes, major cleaning, water changes, etc). For some of us its theraputic, for others its just too much like real work
Best of luck on your new tank


Well i might just try to change my 55g into reef its going to be hard because i don't have much more room on the back for new/more filters and the stand i made myself and its very strong =P i would have to cut some of its support to put a sump or wet/dry filter in the stand o.o; but the filters i have . . . are old but might still work ok heres what i got finally found them online xD
i got the 400 one and then my skimmer is . . .
its two times the size of that one though its got two filters where water flows out.
from what i remember the 400 Emperor can filter 55g and lower and the same with the skimmer/skilter. the Emperor seems to still work ok but its flow is a little down and the skimmer is letting a lot more micro bubbles into my tank <_< at one place its leeching them and now its letting them flow out from where the filters are.
anyways with thoughts two filtering i would need a maybe wet/dry filer? or a refugium? with the filters i already have/have to replace.