Hmmmm... nitrates


Well, when I went to the LFS store today to buy my new sand i took some water for them to test. They said that it tested great. As I had recently used my last test strip (it too was great) I bought a new bottle of test strips. About 30 min ago.... I tested the water and found everything perfect EXCEPT like 40-80ppm nitrates. Now I know this is way too high but which test to I believe?
Any opinions?


Active Member
Most people feel that test strips are not particularly accurate. Their major advantage is convenience and speed. I would ordinarily trust something other then the strips first.
I originally used the Red Sea test kit but found that one of the reagents for the nitrates had precipitated out. I occasionally use strips now.
It would be nice to get a more accurate reading from your LFS than 'great'. They have an incentive to sell you something so may not actually even test for nitrates.
Salifert makes the best test kits.


Active Member
Test some RO water (if you use it) and it should have zero nitrates.
If you get a reading on the RO water from one test kit then it is probably faulty.
When your LFS says great, what do they mean?

nm reef

Active Member
I wouldn't trust the results from "test strips"...I prefer Salifert tests myself but there are others that are more accurate than test strips. What products does the LFS use to conduct water tests for you? I'd be concerned about their results also especially if they are using easy/fast and often inaccurate testing products. Is there any way you could post exact results from your testing and the results from the LFS?


Well, they used the little bottles etc and said that my nitrites and ammonia were zero. My ph was 8.3 and my nitrates were about 20ppm. Whe i tested, the strips said the same thing except that my nitrates were 40-80ppm.
Does that answer the question?


Active Member
I would believe your LFS test over the dip sticks, I have never thought those dip sticks were very accurate, in fact there are only two types of test that I like of course Salifert test are fantastic and I use them for Ca, alk, and soon Mag. but I think the Fast test and Sea Test kits are just fine for Ammonia, Nitrate, nitrite, and Phosphate.