It appears that some so called clergymen have no idea of what they speak. Reproducing asexually when designed to do so is not a sin. As most of us know there are fish that will change --- like JavaJoe stated when the need to do so is there. It is part of their nature and is not un-natural!
If this guy was inspired, he would know and understand these things. Maybe if he kept his mouth shut and spent a little time (or a little more time) on his knees he may be able to understand some of the mysteries and beauties of God.
I would be ashamed to openly make statement that God's plan for these creatures reproduction is evil and then post my picture proud as a peacock. I would never try to state the I know more than God, and say these creatures are evil, base and depraved by reproducing the way they were intended to.
I guess there are fanatics in all walks of life, even educated ones with little or no knowledge.
Oh my poor little mushrooms, and other critters that were brought in to this life through asexual reproduction, the thought that they would never know a loving mother and father.
I guess we should also forget fragging I assume this would fall in to the same category as cloning which by many is seen to be immoral and un-natural. Oh well I guess Rev. Chester needs our prayers.