HOB Carbon Filter and HLLE?


Active Member
I've read a fair amount of opinion about carbon filters adding to the possibility of HLLE. I'm in the process of setting up a new 55 gallon tank and because of money issues I could only afford an HOB filter for now so I picked up an Emperor 400. I'll be setting the tank up in about a month but have been reading up in the meantime (not a salt-newb, but equipment-wise I still have a lot to learn). So here are my questions:
If I use the Emperor should I use the carbon only occasionally or not at all? What about the bio-wheels, I've been told to take those out too? What else could I do with the filter if taking out the pad and bio-wheels (I read once somewhere that someone uses live rock in theirs)? What is the best thing I can do for my tank if I'm housing a reef with fish, soft corals, and LPS to avoid HLLE in the fish yet keep the tank healthy for the coral?
I know that I should have a sump setup but I again, can't afford it. Of course, if someone has one they don't need they can feel free to send it my way, but I sorta need to figure out how I can do this for the next 6 months or year until I can afford to do it. I've also heard varying opinions on the canister filters, but I understand they too use carbon. Any help here would be great.


Active Member
This is a much debated issue but a sump is certainly not manditory. Nor is a canister.
Plenty of folks run completey healthy and happy reefs wth nothing but a Display tank and a skimmer. powerheads for current and thats it. Live rock in the DT will do the exact same as LR in a HOB filter.


Active Member
So you'd recommend against using the HOB filter at all? Or would it help to run it occasionally? Or maybe with some other medium? Hehe, sorry for the barrage of questions, just want to be sure what to do that can give me clean enough water for the LPS.



I would take back the HOB filter and get a HOB protein skimmer. One such as a Bak Pak would be just fine and can be found for less then $100 online.


Active Member
I actually have a skimmer too that I'll be using, just curious about the filtration. Since everyone does something different I'm fairly clueless on that point.


Active Member
I would honestly say just to run a skimmer and nothing else needed. Sumps and Fuges are fun to play with but totally uneeded for a nice tank. Not to be misunderstood, they are of course benifitial but just not MANDITORY and that does not compromise water quality if you know what your doing and/or keep up on your maint routine.
HOB maybe to keep on hand to run carbon if you like but I wouldnt bother with having it actually part of the tank.


Active Member
How often would you recommend changing out water without the additional filtration?
I think I'm going to work towards a final Display Tank over the next year or two that has everything in it so I can put money aside as I'm able. My dream would be a 150-200 gallon with sump/fuge setup, MH lighting; overall something I can do SPS and have tangs, etc. There's just no way I'll be able to pull that off for a couple years (unless somehow I come into some serious $$) and I think the 55 gallon will do nicely until then. Even just our little 12 gallon has been a great experience for both my son and I. And it's been very successful too, thanks to everyone on this site!


Active Member
I have mine packed to the rim and no water qaulity issues.
I do 10% weekly just for sake of Trace gets gobbled in my tank.
I run Triple 0 otherwise.


Active Member
I honestly think that the use of carbon is really not a significant contributing factor to HLLE, except perhaps in possibly removing trace minerals, which would easily be replaced with water changes.
I think this idea is one of many tossed out there because someone, somewhere, came up with some correlation that someone running carbon had a problem with HLLE. Overall, this is not all that likely an answer, IMO, and the benefits of running carbon in certain cases may significantly outweigh any possible "risks" with it.


Originally Posted by ophiura
I honestly think that the use of carbon is really not a significant contributing factor to HLLE, except perhaps in possibly removing trace minerals, which would easily be replaced with water changes.
I think this idea is one of many tossed out there because someone, somewhere, came up with some correlation that someone running carbon had a problem with HLLE. Overall, this is not all that likely an answer, IMO, and the benefits of running carbon in certain cases may significantly outweigh any possible "risks" with it.
I agree. I've read some on this and asked many of the workers at my various LFS's in my area, all agree "its bologna."
I run carbon in all of my tanks. I think alot of people may use Chemi-Pure filters which I think contain some carbon. I changed mines out the other day and rinsed off the new one and had black stains on my fingers.
I think if you use excess carbon, it could POSSIBLY have an affect but even then I'm not 100% convinced.
I also ran my 72 gal. for a year with 2 HOB Whisper 60's. Had no problems whatsoever!!! Never lost a single fish. I had a yellow tang, coral beauty, 3 or 4 damsels, flame angel, etc. I didnt add a skimmer till right before I started to add corals. Now I'm running my HOB skimmer with 1 Whisper 60 with Chemi Pure filters. Also have 2 PH for increased water movement.
If I were you, I would get a HOB skimmer but also run some type of mechanical filtration as well. If nothing else it still helps move water... and i wouldnt worry about carbon. I would recommend using Chemi Pure though. Averages to be about the same price. U only replace it like every 4 months.
But that's just my opinion