Is it necessary to have lighting specifically made for refugiums or can I improvise and use a regular desk lamp that clamps on the refugium. All I have in the HOB Refugium are sand, live rocks, and some algae plants.
Originally Posted by bimm3rb0y http:///forum/post/3154088
Sweet!!! If thats the case then I'll be saving some money. So to get it straight; acintic lighting isn't necessary for the fuge correct?>
No is not. save your money for something else.
Originally Posted by bimm3rb0y http:///forum/post/3154415
will 6 led lights work for the fuge because i want to be able to use it for the HOB fuge as well as the Display tank
Depends on the emitter wattage and its primary wavelength of light. if its a "cool white" of say 3/4-1 watt per emitter, that would be enough for a 'fuge, if I'm understanding your statement of 6 emitters. If its a "royal blue", you'd get the same PAR, but I doubt the 'fuge algae would grow as well.