Three weeks later...
I just finished the third 10% W/C in as many weeks and everything looks really good. I can't tell if the BRS carbon has contributed to better water quality, but my SPS sure look happy. The ROX has very consistent sized granules and is nearly dust free. After a very quick rinse under the tap, the bag becomes
very noisy. I like it.
I'm seeing amphipods scurrying around again.
I put a new grapefruit sized ball of chaeto in the fuge 3 weeks ago after what had been there had diminished. I bought it at my LFS after a casual inspection...its just a ball of chaeto, right?
Over the last 3 weeks I noticed the greenery in the fuge getting larger and larger, happy knowing it was accumulating nutrient (and somewhat surprised it was finding enough for that amount of growth).
During my W/C today, I pull it out to rinse any crap it might have trapped. I reach in expecting it to come right out as usual, but it resists.
??? I tug and it rips free...WTH?!?
I look at it under a light and what do I find? Mixed in the chaeto is a crapton of grape caulerpa (caulerpa racemosa). CAULERPA! I never wanted any of that in my system. I've read that it is better than chaeto in absorbing nutrient, but I never wanted any possible issues from it going sexual. I separated and disposed as much as I could of it, but caulerpa in my system is my new reality. Dammit.
It is kinda pretty, though...