HOB Refugium on glass tank...


Hello All!
I'm wondering what the rest of the marine aquarium world out there thinks about hang on back refugiums and if any of you have had any experience with them. If you do have any experience with them, can you recommend one for a 30g glass tank? I'm curious to know how much strain the glass will take with all that water and rock weight inside the refugium pulling on the glass. There's already a HOB skimmer (bak pak) there. Having the extra volume of water and a place to put some beneficial algae and plants (mangroves) outside of the main holding tanks would be nice. :thinking:


Active Member
I run a couple of 18" CPR Aquafuges on a 125. They work great. They come in 12, 18 and 24" lengths.


I have an 18" on a 50 gallon tank. The cheato in it grows like crazy, so it's obviously doing it's job of nitrate export. It definitely would be an asset to have one.


Has anyone calculated or accidentely found out how much weight is too much weight to hang on back of an aquarium? How much does the 18" weigh with everything in it?


Water's 8 pounds per gallon. You'd have to weigh whatever rock and sand you planned on putting in it. I think the best party to ask about limitations would be the manufacturer.


Active Member
I had one on my 55 for over a year and now have it on my 125 reef. No problems. I have macro algae, miracle mud and mangroves in it now and things are thriving!


Active Member
Hehe, you know the manufacturer is going to tell you some bogus small weight limit to protect themselves. Just like cough drop manufacturers tell you to only have a drop like every two hours when you can safely eat the entire bag


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Hehe, you know the manufacturer is going to tell you some bogus small weight limit to protect themselves. Just like cough drop manufacturers tell you to only have a drop like every two hours when you can safely eat the entire bag

Good way of phrasing that. Warning Eating the whole bag may cause drain bamage....lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
Good way of phrasing that. Warning Eating the whole bag may cause drain bamage....lol

My name is mike and I'm an addict I was eatting three bags of cough drops a day. I tried to hide it from my family , the only person that didn't know I had a problem was me . I though I could stop at any time. I've been clean for six months now .


I use an 18" HOB aquafuge on my 55 gallon. These are great and I highly recommend them. Great for harvesting algae, adding trace/calcium/iodine etc., preserving pod population, storing cleaner clams, isolating fish if necessary, adds surface/oxygen area, etc. etc. etc. Refugiums are a must for a reef.
Don't worry about it overstressing your 30 gallon... it won't. I don't know what the actual weight filled w/sand and some rock is but it's not much and it's nowhere near the weight of your tank.


I was looking into the 18 HOB from CPR. Do you currently have a skimmer?Check out CPR's all in 1 with skimmer and HOB refugium.
Well, I bought on on that big E site it was a package deal (light & pump included) OMG, when I came home during the day - the light was in the refugium!!!!! I dried out the light - THANK GOODNESS it wasn't on ( I keep the light on - nite) Well, the light didn't work.
I contacted the person selling it and at first he seemed hesitant --- the light is supposed to fit on the top -- blah blah blah. Well, no duh! But anyway, I managed to get him to see my point of view and he contacted the manufacturer, they are sending me another set!
I was worried because I could have lost my whole 37 gallon & MY HOUSE if the light was plugged in.
It's coming in on MOnday so I will have to cross my fingers..
Advice, Buy from a reputable source!! I won't ever do this again!! Not on electronics.


Originally Posted by HybridFish
Sounds good. Any recommendations on which one to get? Brands? Size for a 30gallon?

The 12" Aquafuge (small) should be great for that tank, but go for the 18" (medium) if it will fit your tanks dimensions. Bigger the better.
I can't comment on other HOB's cause I've only owned the Aquafuge. But I can highly recommend HOB's for smaller tanks and Aquafuge for HOB's!
Good luck!


GREAT!!! Thanks for the advice people. I really appreciate it. What price is everyone paying for the aquafuge? Where? :thinking:


Originally Posted by keonia
Do you currently have a skimmer?.
I already have a CPR Bak-pak 2. I hope I don't run into the same problem. I'm happy their customer support was helpful.



Originally Posted by funkyman
I have an 18" on a 50 gallon tank. The cheato in it grows like crazy, so it's obviously doing it's job of nitrate export. It definitely would be an asset to have one.

i just purchased a cpr aquafuge 24 for the back of my 120 and have a question.
it came with a finnex 24 inch 36 watt jalli white pc bulb.
should i change out the bulb for one better made for growing plants or will this one support the plants enough.
also - how long would you guys recomend i leave the lights on ?
thanks .
mb of covington
..........i survived Katrina .............


The bulb mine came with grows the cheato just fine. Technically, I guess you're supposed to run the lights on the fuge opposite the lights on your tank which helps stabilize the PH of the water.
I turned mine off at night since the current tank is in our bedroom, and everything was still great.