HOB refugium question


Well-Known Member
So i have a HOB DIY fuge with chalupra(SP) in it and i was wondering if i really needed the filter media (sponge) in it? Can i just take it out?


Well-Known Member
Id say the only reason to have the sponge in there would be as a bubble trap after a protein skimmer. Otherwise it's just trapping plankton that would be better off in the DT...


I have a cpr hob and I dont use any sponges. I think that a sponge would hold up the flow of pods in to the Dt.


Well-Known Member
hmmm k well i took out the sponge today and added a better light! Ill post a pic... thxs for everyones input! The sponge was located where the water went into the fuge! Also the chalupra was actually growing into the sponge!


Where was the sponge?
Usually sponges just filter out the plankton/pods that you're trying to get into the main tank. BUT, I need to at least address that having a sponge IN a refugium can be a great place for copepods to breed.


Well-Known Member
darnit!!! Thats wat i was thinkin....it was getting nasty though and all my macro was getting diatom looking algae on it! It was side closest to u in the pic! Were the water inlet was! Not in that 1st lil chamber but theres like a hole on the other side!!! I just covered the whole with the sponge! I put that lil piece of acrylic in it and stuff....this thing was easy to make i just had to get most of the supplies!