HOB skimmer recommendation


What would people recommend for a hob skimmer for a 60 gallon FOWLR, shallow sand bed, 60-75 lbs of lr, currently have a few shrimp, serpent star, snails, hermit crabs, and some small fish. I am currently running a cannister filter and 2 MJ-1200's. I am hoping to find a HOB skimmer that will allow me to eliminate my cannister entirely along with adding a couple more powerheads to increase flow. I was looking at the Aquac remora but unsure which model to get whether it's the pro or not. I am on a bit of a budget currently so if the non pro version would be sufficient that would be great. Also I see that some have a drain fitting for like 20 more bucks is this a good idea? And a prefilter box. I'm assuming this would assist in eliminating the cannister since it will allow me to run carbon or bio filtration. Anyways I just wanted to see if what I want to do is feasible and if anyone knows of a more affordable model of skimmer that will meet my needs that would be great. One last thing to note is that I would like to find a skimmer that has a depth of about 4 inches or less so I don't have to pull my tank away from the wall if necessary.
Thanks in advance for your help


Active Member
The Remora Pro would do a good job on a tank your size. I ran one on an old 56 gallon system I used to keep. You'll get better performance by using mag 3 pump. With good flow and the amount of LR you have, you won't need other types of filtration.


New Member
I just installed the Remora (not pro) on my 50gal FOWLR. It has been running for 4 days now. Initially the break-in period is taking a while. But the skim mate is yellow-brown and is pretty watery still. But they say this skimmer can take up to two weeks to fully break in. I also opted to go with the maxijet 1200 pump rather than the Rio. The pump for the pro I believe is larger and would not fit in the sump of my tank. (seaclear system II)
The AquaC seem to be the best HOB skimmer for the value.


Has anyone tried the Prizm skimmers? It has a surface skimmer and the ability to run bio media as well.


Active Member
Prism skimmers are really low end units. My sense is you won't be happy with it long term. While they are less expensive, it comes down to getting what you pay for. Spend more to get something with a good track record. You won't be sorry.


Ok so I think I am going to go with the Remora regular version but I am still not sure which to order. It is available with or without a drain fitting and am not sure what this is for and if I need it or not. :help:


Ive got the remora with the mj1200 and the drain fitting. Works great! The drain fitting is a little elbow coming out of the collection cup. This is so you can run a tube to a bigger bucket or something and when the cup gets to half full it drains out on its own. This allows you to not have to check the collection cup level nearly as often. If you don't want to run a tube to a container of some sort underneath the tank then you will need the remora without the drain fitting. Hope that helps!


I'm thinking I would rather just empty the cup then have more plumbing running behind the tank but of course this may change in the future. Is this something that can be changed later by drilling thru it and adding an attachment yourself?


Active Member
I have a prism, I think it works pretty good. I really bought it when I knew nothing about saltwater and never really looked back. It skims fine and seems to work pretty well. I have nothing to compare it to though. Maybe I should upgrade it?


what is hob is that hang on back. i have the cpr bacpak2 and it works great empty the cup every2 days, inside stays clean comes with bio media, about 110$ one week break in. not so pricey but does the job


a lot of what you need depends on your fish load. if you have a small fish load (everybody prepare to get angry) you can go without a skimmer. Im sure its horrible and Im going to hell, but i find the more crap you put on there, the more problems you have. so what is your fish load?


PS. when I did have a higher fish load, I used a prizm skimmer. huge pain in the butt, but thats what i hear about most skimmers. when you finally get it adjusted it works well though.


Active Member
Aqua C Remora all the way. Excellent skimmer, and the customer service is spectacular. I had a problem with mine at first and they walked me through it. I have the Pro version....excellent.


Jacrmill right now my fish load is very light I have 6 small fish as I have been taking it very slow adding them I haven't needed one but after my last addition I am finally getting more gunk on the top of the water and my nitrates are finally now not always at 0. I do plan on adding a two or three more larger fish and of course these that I have now will grow.


yeah, if i were you i would certainly recommend a skimmer, but as we have already established, i am not the person to ask. Just for example I have a royal gramma, six line wrasse and a yellow nose goby in my 39 gallon. And i have no need for a skimmer. But with what you have and where you are looking to go, a skimmer would be very benificial. Good luck, I am sure you will get much valuable advice.