hobby first!!

nm reef

Active Member
Was it as much fun as I always heard it is??:scared:
Seriously...I hope you just got a shock and nothing major!
Like a couple of years ago i had 2 15 watt fixtures above my 55 gal sw tank and they wernt suposed to be used on saltwater tanks. Whenever i would turn them on I would get shocked...lol


Its great when a 300w heater pops in your fuge... and causes chaos at 4am in the morning.... And then you wake up to a flooded floor and in a panic to reach in and close your ball valve

You get thrown across the room and your knuckles and toes explode!!! Whooooo that was exhillirating I cant wait to do it again!
Man that was rough but I lived allthough it melted down my whole tank and my arm was knumb for some time.


New Member
i got shocked one when i was pouring in a new bottle of stron and mol i dint know what caused it... guess it was the mineral or something