hobby magazines


Active Member
just for giggles I am wondering how many people on here subscribe to a fish related magazine (not a sales thing but a hobbiest magazine)
if you do which one or ones and what do you like best about them.
(I'm just curious because I got my first issue of tropicakl fish hobbiest in today after waiting like ten weeks,, thought I mailed out the order found it 6weeks later then mailed it.)
funny I've been in the hobby for years but never bothered subscribing to any magazine I always just bought them at cover price.


didn't know there were any. I have been checking news stands for months with no luck. Thanks for the heads up


I had subcribed to TFH magazine for years but when I switched to salt the
magazine only ever had 3 articles per issue on salt. I was just in a larger metro area and found Reef Keepers Magazine. Articles on plenums, sand beds, lighting, and more. Its the first I have seen it but I like it.


Active Member
I get tropical fish hobbiest because I do both fresh and marine aquaria, I have a 55 planted FW a 38G golfish tank, in the past I have had almost every type of FW fish on the market. I'm looking into setting up a discus angel blue ram tank soon.


Marine Fish and Reef is out now! It is only once a year and it comes out in December. Just got my copy today!


Active Member
I have subscribed to FAMA fresh and marine aquarists, as well as tropical fish hobbyist and i know there are a few others but can't think of the names...


Active Member
i get coral and marine fish and reef. i wish they came monthly though, i wait for so long then there arent any articles i like. i buy tropical fish hobbyist sometimes too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
i get coral and marine fish and reef. i wish they came monthly though, i wait for so long then there arent any articles i like. i buy tropical fish hobbyist sometimes too.
I agree. They usually have articles about some student marine biologist teaching kids in Africa about fish, or how some obscure, rare hermit crab mates, or some other thing that I have no interest in. In the 6 or 7 Coral magazines I have, there are really only a handful of articles that have helped me as a hobbyist or excited me more about the hobby.