Hold on to your Bio-Balls, Aiptasia orgy in my tank!! HELP please


OK, hold on to your Bio-Balls, this is a long one...
I just bought my 1st SW tank, its a 10gal Aquasystem plexi tank and I bought it with the following contents:
2 pieces of Live rock (one not so live, another so-so)
1 percular clown
2 anemone (1 Lg other is smaller, divided off the first)
1 Bi-Color
2 Tubo Snails
Substrate is crushed rock and shells
I have a bad infestation of Aiptasia, I juiced up the big one w lemmon juice injections but I have tons of little ones on my substrate and on parts of my LR...WHAT TO DO? I was considering adding 5 peppermint shrimp to munch on the Aiptasia and then substituting my substrate for live sand...what do you all think???
Also wanted to know what else I can add to the tank, I want maybe 1 more fish and a few inverts, live rock adn corals, any suggestions?
yeah, and uh....TANKS alot...sorry couldnt be helped


As for the aiptasia, the peppermint shrimp will work, that 5 actually is more than enough(but good).
Yeah, you should switch out the CC to LS..itll be much better.
You should probably wait about 6 months to a year before you add any other corals or inverts, just be patient, and get some test kits to watch your water.


Active Member
I would think a couple of pepperments would be enough, they will only eat the small ones.
I think with two fish (is that a bi-color blennie?) you are at your max, 10gallon tanks cannot hold very many fish especially if you want corals.
How long has this tank been set up? sounds like you bought it used from someone who had it set up.
What type of lighting do you have? This is the deciding factor on what corals you can keep.


Active Member
Im not sure, but I have heard of a fish out there that eats aptasia, and they love it. Check it out on SWF.com. I think it is either an angel, a butterfly or sumthing else. Look around on SWF.com though. That, or the shrimp will work, but only get one or two. K, hope you get better.


Thanks for the tips guys,
My tank has been set up for about 6 years, I bought it from a friend who was fed up with the whole saltwater thing, his loss :) got the tank at a great price. I have 2 bulbs (Mini-Might) in the tank (1 Actinic Blue 9watt and 1 daylight 5000k 9watt). What corals can I keep in this size tank? The Bi-Color I have is magenta and yellow, dont think its a blennie...not sure what he is, just called him a "bi-color".
Had a few more questions:
1. What type of test kits should I get for the water?
2. Do you suggest putting in an Emerald Crab or another type of crab as well as the peppermint Shrimp?
3. How soon can I put more live rock into the tank?
Thanks again,