Holding your water !


New Member
t first I got a little intimidated about the whole R/O concept but its something I am not going to let get in my way or put me off, Will do further research about the way to mix for salt water for a Marine tank.

Can anybody point me in the way of good articles that are not going to fright me half to death LOL :p ?

I looked into fitting an R/O device but I am a bit of a cluts with DIY lol

I guess filling the tank will be the most cost 275L but with one LFS only 2 streets away its not going to be a huge trip to my nearest place.

Then water changes the whole buying the R/O seems a lot less hassle to me, It doesn't cost the Earth really and I want to do everything by the book. We live in a large industrial area so I imagine there will be trace metals and the like in the local water to house people, maybe I should stick to drinking beer LOL .

My village was built originally as a way to home the lo cal large factory workers and god only knows what stuff they have been allowed to get away with dumping out though the years.

So, anyways, with water, Its ' by the book method,; with no rushing
I have seen large quantities available for really good value too.

It would work out about £50 UK to fill up Marine tank, well worth the peace of mind too in my book..

Then I hear about heating the water, heating whilst mixing ? Got me confused !

I hope I am posting this in the right section, Wow, some of the information on some sites has been enough to put the noobie off, But I am hella determined not to wimp out of a little work and focus or anything else it takes to set up.

Once I decide to do something I really want to do will take a lot to knock me from my stride !

Again I appologise if this is in the wrong section.


Well-Known Member
I use a standard aquarium heater in a small aquarium where I mix my salt water. I mix salt into the RO water a couple days before I plan to do a water change. The temperature is then the same as my tank. The salt dissolves better when the water is warm as well.


New Member
Thats great info ty. hehe I have had to take a couple of deep breaths and pause and not allow myself to get into a panic with all the new things I am learning.and will continue to ask for advice here as well, Even if some of my questions seem totally noobiefied :p !

If its a 60 gallon tank is there any reason I cant mix in smaller buckets then add, A 60g holder is on the larger side,
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Well-Known Member
I use a 10 gallon aquarium to mix and store my salt water and I have a 125 gallon tank. I change that much each week. I used to use 5 gallon buckets when I had a 55 gallon tank and they worked well.