Holes in my live sand?



my tank has been up sinse july....about a month into the setup i started to notice little holes...all along the front of my tank...its almost as if there is some kind of worm burrowing through the sand.
can someone tell me what exactly makes these holes?


Active Member
They are good, they are types of worms that are detrivores, so they process the waste in your tank, they are the reason that everyone says to have a live sand bed.


Another possibility, that I think may be more likely, is that the bubbles may be caused by the breakdown of things in your sandbed. Gas is produced by the breakdown of Nitrites/nitrates, and those bubbles are sometimes caught in the sand, which has the appearance of "holes". On the other hand, tracks going through the sandbed very well could be worms. I guess the question to ask is, are the holes round or tracks? Oh, btw, I wouldn't try to remove the bubbles, necessarily, because you're just disturbing sandbed, along with the beneficial nitrification process going on in your sandbed. Good luck