HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

Some new pictures. We also got a cbs. So the pictures are of the rock that was in the 10 getting a fw dip, the cbs, and the fish from out 10 getting acclimated.

So it definitely has been a while since i posted here. Mostly because not much happened in the tank. Well since the last post my tank has pretty much done a 360. I lost the HOB filter and got a HOB overflow and plumbed in a sump. I also have added a ton more rock, a new light fixture, and protein skimmer.
Overflow: CPR102 HOB
Protein Skimmer: ASM mini-g (going to replace with a G1)
Lights: Aqualight Pro HQI/Fluorescent/Lunar fixture
Circulation: wavemaker with 2 koralia 2 powerheads


did u get that coral from ur friend??? i fell in love with it till i seen how much a inch cost and i will just have to wait..

small triggers

Active Member
GORGEOUS PBT,, tank looks great, though i did like the original aquascape with the one side higher like an atoll (thats how mine is)
Originally Posted by MR.reef
did u get that coral from ur friend??? i fell in love with it till i seen how much a inch cost and i will just have to wait..
He kinda dropped off the face of the earth. When I hear from him again I might still try and get some but I dunno.
Originally Posted by small triggers
GORGEOUS PBT,, tank looks great, though i did like the original aquascape with the one side higher like an atoll (thats how mine is)

We are gonna add more rock in a little while to do exactly that. Both my girlfriend and I like the elevated parts of the old aquascape, so we are gonna bring it back.
Originally Posted by small triggers
GORGEOUS PBT,, tank looks great, though i did like the original aquascape with the one side higher like an atoll (thats how mine is)

Thank you. We love our powder blue. We waited a while to get one to find the one that looked the best. We passed a bunch at our LFS till this one came in.
So my tank went nuts for s minute. My yellow tang left to go be boarded in the copper tank at my LFS and my powder blue is battling flat worms (is winning but still). On the up side i discovered a new frag shop in my area and picked up some new corals. i'll post pictures when i can figure out how to photograph them (everything photographed in my tank has a blue hue to it because of the lights)
So a little update. My powder blue is doing good again but my yellow tang is still at the LFS. The black ich is holding strong. It's almost gone but a couple little dots are still holding on. I miss him.
My LFS stopped carrying the mysis i like so it's time to get new food. My lady partner and I are going to take a very small road trip to Garden Grove to pick up some ROD'S food. I have read some good thing about it and feel like giving it a try. Hoping something awesome in the livestock department pops up and we can make the trip a bit more fun and come home with some new stuff.
On the tank side of things. I am very happy with how my tank is doing. Both my monti's are seeming to do well. Their polyps are out 24/7 and seem to be gleaming with color. My torch almost doubled in size from when it was at the LFS 2 weeks ago. My levels I think are amazing. All thats left is too add some more coral and watch my tank bloom.
Ph: 8.2
Nitrate: less than 10 ppm
Mag: 1500
Cal: 450
Salinity: 1.027


excellent progress from when you started. I am working on getting my bilogical filtration established for my 105 gallon. Seems like it is taking FOREVER but really it has only been two weeks! Ugggh, patience is t he hardest part of this hobby!