
Active Member
So a few weeks ago I spotted the little tail of a fire or bristle worm in a hole in my live rock...and when I say little I mean half an inch wide and about half an inch sticking out. Well........Last night I got up to look at my tank in nocturnal mode and HOLY Crap, there was the worm out and lurking and at least 8-9 inches long when stretched out. Well needless to say I fished him out and thought I would post some pics. No more have popped up to say hi but I am watching now.



Active Member
Yeah, no kidding. I love seeing them when I scuba dive they are nice looking but no way in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
try one thats two feet in a ten gallon... that sucked...

I didn't even know that they got that big!!!! Thats freaken crazy. Did you manage? Is there anything that I can do to try and see if there are any others? Yah know like a way to lure them out of hiding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
bristle/fire worm trap???

Are you saying there is one? Or that there should be?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Are you saying there is one? Or that there should be?
i am pretty sure that they make them. you can do a search for them on that drs site


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
try one thats two feet in a ten gallon... that sucked...



Active Member
best i got, its all curled up, but i kept it in a tiny jar in there for a while, i personally saw it go up a rock and grab (then kill) a snail. their were actually two... the only other pics i have are it curled up dead in a bucket full of freshwater. this was also before i had a good camera. but yea, i saw it jolt into a rock, so i picked the rock up atleast just under 2 feet above the tank and it was hanging from it into the sand trying to slide out.... i found other since then in my 29g, but nothing that size, just usually half a foot or so, but i did have one that was about just over 1 foot... no pics, i saw it at nite, stuck a net in, threw it in freshwater...


Active Member
Sooooo, I found out that Arrow crabs will eat fairly small bristle worms of any type. Not the huge jumbos but hey I have devised a devilish trap for them that catches them and is SUPER cheap!!!!!
Get a small tuperwear, <---don't know how to spell that.
Not clear so wormies can't see the food inside.
Put a mixture of some food inside, raw clam, cooked but fresh shrimp, raw "human type fish" That we would eat.
use a razor blade and cut an X into the center of lid of Trap
Slightly smaller than you expect worm to be.
push corners of X in so wormies can enter...BUT they can't leave (if X is correct size) because the X pushes out and traps them if they try to leave.
YEAH, worked for me and is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP