Holy Ammonia Levels Batman!


My tank seemed fine, no algae, no physical observations of fish in distress (labored breathing, erratic swimming, swimming near the surface). I went to check the water parameters, and lo' and behold, my ammonia was through the roof, after 10 minutes of testing (the normal amount of time is 20minutes) on the Hagen Master Test.
I immediately did a major water change. Changed the filter pads in my emperor 400, and observed the fish. Still the same, as to their demeanor. I didnt even check the Nitrates or Nitrites, I just wanted to get that water changed. I assume I need to check the parameters again, everyday this week, and do more water changes? All the fish are accounted for, and there's no food lying around the bottom. the filter pads were filthy. I assume that could have been the culprit?
When Nitrates go up, does that mean that something has died? Or am I wrong and does an increase in Ammonia mean the same as well.

barry cuda

Nitrate is the end product of the nitrogen cycle. Organic matter decays and produces ammonia. Ammonia is broken down by the biofilter into nitrites, which are processed by different bacteria into nitrates. Nitrates have to be removed either with water changes, algae, or a DSB.
If your nitrates suddenly spike, I'd look earlier in the process for the culprit. Since your ammonia spiked, you probably had something die and/or overfed the tank.
If you have filter media that are old, those *can* help produce nitrate spikes by trapping detritus, which decays and feeds the cycle. Since nitrates are the end product, that's where you'll see levels rise if you have sufficient biofiltration to handle the ammonia and nitrites. I have an Emperor filter on my quarantine tank and I definitely have a hard time maintaining water quality if I've been late changing the media.
Since your fish are OK, I'd look for dead snails or other critters, and cut back feeding (maybe not feed at all for several days) until your levels return to normal. This should help. You'll need to do several water changes after the ammonia & nitrites return to zero to eliminate the excess nitrates.


When I say through the roof, I mean, it was almost the last square on the chart....the color was blue! I've used this same test kit before. Unless the reagents have an expiration date on them which would cause results to go askew, then, it was correct. I checked again tonight, and the ammonia results were better. I also checked the Nitrates and they were at 5ppm. I did more water changes, and didnt feed. I dont have any snails, just two crabs and they are both accounted for.
I think it was my neglect in performing a water change. I was definately overdo. That in combination with dirty filter media, and overfeeding (Gee, is that all). I had better get on the ball.


how old is the tank? what kind of filtration do you have?
if the power filter is your only type of filtration make sure you wash the pads in tank water so not to kill the bacteria on it.


the tank's been up and running since Feb. I have an Emperor400. The pads are replaceable...it's the biowheels that have the beneficial bacteria on them. I also noticed that the spray bar, where the water comes out from and shoots onto the biowheel, several holes were clogged.


Interesting. Could it be that you had something with a high ammonia content on your hands and that small bit got into the sample? Seems inconsistent with how the livestock is reacting... :confused:


Active Member

Originally posted by PeteM
the tank's been up and running since Feb. I have an Emperor400. The pads are replaceable...it's the biowheels that have the beneficial bacteria on them. I also noticed that the spray bar, where the water comes out from and shoots onto the biowheel, several holes were clogged.

Is that on your 72? and is that the only filter you have?


Active Member
Pete- if you replace both cartidges at the same time it will sometimes mess with your bio filtration because the bacteria colonize on the filter floss as well. A better thing to use is micron bags filled with carbon.


Or, just switch out on filter pad at a time rather than both at the same time. Rub some of the crap on the old filter pad onto the new one. But yes, the floss holds bacteria as well, so changing out both at the same time might have shocked the system...into another cycle.


Huh....I'm totally dumbfounded. I'm trying to remember if I switched the media before I did the ammonia test, or did I do it at the same time. Usually when I work on my tank, I do things at the same time. When I took the filter pads out, I remember seeing alot of "shmutz" coming off and into the water. almost like sand that was trapped in the filter pads came off, falling into the filter itself, and then being propelled into the tank.
To answerSw65galma's question. I only have that filter, a red sea skimmer and LR.
If I replace one filter at a time, how long should I wait until the other one gets replaced?
It seems that the water changes and not feeding last night did the trick, the levels are dropping.


Active Member

Originally posted by PeteM
To answerSw65galma's question. I only have that filter, a red sea skimmer and LR.

Because i Have the same filter Emporer 400, Plus a Fluval 304 Canister on my 46gal! + a Powerhead and plus a Red Sea Skimmer. + 75lbs of LR.


Is the 46gal a reef? if not, isnt that too much filtration, if there is such a thing as too much filtration?


Active Member

Originally posted by PeteM
Is the 46gal a reef? if not, isnt that too much filtration, if there is such a thing as too much filtration?

Nope not a reef.
All It has is:
2 clowns
1 Yellow Tang
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Chocolate chip Star fish
2 Sand Sifting Star fish
I don't think there is a such thing as over filtration.
I think the rule of thumb is 10x Water change per hour NON REEF! with that 400 you'd only be getting 5x on your 72 which is no where enough for even a FOWLR tank.
Someone correct me if i'm wrong.


I see under interests you list 4 mustangs. I assume they are the 4 wheeled version and not the 4 legged version...LOL.


Active Member

Originally posted by PeteM
I see under interests you list 4 mustangs. I assume they are the 4 wheeled version and not the 4 legged version...LOL.

Yup the wheeled kind...and people think THIS hobby is expensive lol try 4 cars!


Active Member
No not classic.
I'm hunting around for one though.
Right now i have a rare 85 SVO 41k orig miles
87 Race/Show car Supercharged 393cuin Stroker
94 Supercharged 351
96 4.6 GT Stock