Holy Cow!!! Pods Everywhere!!!!!


My 55g is about 5 weeks in, finished cycling a couple weeks ago (lucky me). I've got a small clean up crew(8 blu hermits ,1 Mexican turbo, 8 Astrea, 1 pep shrimp, 1 emerald crab) and 2 green chromis in there. 35# LR that was cured by my LFS.
Amon=0 Nitri=0 Nitra=10
Over the past week i've noticed a few tiny feather dusters and more growth/things showing up. Today I cleaned the bottom of my tank out (minimal cleanup, about 3 gallons siphoned from the bottom) and then add the new water. Here it is a few hours later and there are a million of these white things all over the glass. There has been no sign of these until today then POW, a million!
From what i've read they are good. My question, at what quantity are they bad if any? Also, what should i put in there to feed on these things that is reef safe and an all around decent fish?
thanks for the feedback in advance,
Cleveland, OH


Active Member
My tank is really new too, and I've been noticing the same little creatures. I'm sure that someone else on the board will be able to advise better, but I'm pretty sure they're beneficial pods. Hope so anyway...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
gotta look really, really close, and mostly after lights out (with a flashlight). Holy smokes, the night life!!! Very fun!!

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I FOUND SOME !!!! I FOUND SOME!!!! YYYEEEEEAAAAAAA!! wow they really are small. :jumping: :jumping: They kinda move around the glass pretty quick. You really gotta look for them.