holy cr... (aka mantis)


Active Member
just found a mantis. i know which rock he's in but i'm afraid to put my hands near him! how do i get the rock out?
er, okay, strike that, i got over my initial reaction of girliness and have removed the rock and seen the lil bugger swim circles in a bucket. how do i confirm this is a mantis. he's clear/white and all i really see of him is two googly eyes on long antenae like things. he moves super quick so i really don't get a good view of all of him, frankly i saw him simply because i was feeding my tank and a lil bolt shot out of a rock and grabbed some of the food. he was coexisting in a rock with a serpent starfish too, is this mantis like? I was under the impression that he'd eat the starfish before co-existing with it. I have heard popping all the time, but my stupid powerheads occasionally make popping sounds so I always figured it was that--(I'm deaf in one ear so I can't tell what direction sound comes from so I'm normally left making a best guess assumption). So all--what do you think--mantis or no? and what should i do with him now that i have him and his rock in a bucket?
(this would explain, however, why one of my fish jumped in the night a couple weeks ago--since all i had was a 3 fish school of bar gobies i was surprised that anything would scare one enough to make him jump!)


Active Member
i've also had a few unexplained deaths lately--an emerald crab, 2 peppermint shrimp, but i always found them fully in tact. would a clubber ever possibly whack an invert and then just leave it?


Can you get a picture? I always thought mantis shrimp were colors, not clear. I am not sure tho.


Active Member
he's still hiding in a rock--the rocks in a bucket but i can't get him out of the rock--so i could take a beautiful pic of the rock, but i don't think that'd help :)


Active Member
yeah, i'm pretty sure it's a mantis. now i'm torn between giving it to my lfs or putting it in an eclipse 3 (i have a spare laying around)...would one live okay in a lil eclipse tank?


Active Member
If it were a species only tank, then it would do just fine. A lot of people do this, and enjoy keeping them. Just give it some rock to hide in, and feed it snails, etc...


Active Member
seriously i'd have to feed it snails? (poor snails :( )
it seemed to be loving the plankton i was feeding the tank this morning!


Active Member
Well, they are carnivores, and they use their clubs to break shells. I don't know specifically what else they can be fed, but I know people do that.


Buzz that is a great link. I do have to admit that they are very interesting guys.
Leigh, I think you should et up his own little area and keep him. IOr you could take him to you lfs.


Active Member
Okay, i'm gonna try him out in the eclipse 3 for a lil while and see how he does. glad i found him when i did though since i have a whole bunch of inverts showing up today from this site--at least in theory--thanks to fedex i've been picking my hiney at home all day--just called them--they said there's a delay and it could be as late as 4:30 before stuff arrives. :( just one of those days/weeks i guess...at least the sun is still shining :)


a 3 gal would be plenty for it my cousin has a mantis in a eclipse.....and slothy has 1 in a 3 gal also...his eats frozen foods..
good luck with him


Active Member
I decided I have too many pets so I took him to the fishstore figuring they would give him a good home (since they said I should bring him in over the phone). well, fishstore guy scoops him out of the bucket, walks over to one of the live rock tanks, and drops him in. I, in horror, insist he try to remove it but he couldn't re-catch it. He couldn't for the life of him figure why I was so horrified that he'd put a mantis in a tank of live rock for sale. He claims nobody ever buys out of that tank anyhow. I say why subject some unsuspecting person to having a mantis ride in. He says they come in on live rock all the time. I say sure but there's no reason to add to that intentionally. He told me I'm too girly. Sheesh... :confused:


I would be pissed to knowing that the guy just dumped it into a LR tank. Coming into the store with the LR is one thing, but adding to the problem is another. I would not use that store if I were in the area. That sux.


Active Member

Originally posted by elitsoH
a 3 gal would be plenty for it my cousin has a mantis in a eclipse.....and slothy has 1 in a 3 gal also...his eats frozen foods..
good luck with him

its a 6 gallon.. and joes is a 12