Holy Ick, Batman!


New Member
I believe my fish have an "ick" infection. What should I do?
I know this sounds like I'm just asking for advice without research but I have been doing some research. I've heard about Hyposalinity, Copper, and little "ick"

. But I have a lot of questions and don't want to jeopardize the life of my tank any more than it already is.
So my Hippo Tang has white dots all over it, and my Perc. has white stuff on him as well, not dots but looks almost like a slime (see pictures, Brooklynella?) I added the Hippo 4 days ago and immediately my clown went into hiding. He came out of "hiding" about 2 days later but wouldn't eat. I figured he was just stressed. Today when I got home from work I found my fish in the condition described/ seen below. I also have a green Chromis who isn't exhibiting any signs of illness. The Hippo is still eating very well.
In case people go crazy about the Tang, I inherited from a friend who was breaking down his tank. The color in the face was on its' way back, gaining blue color. (It's a slow process) But what I'm referring to is obviously the white spots.
I know this will sound crazy but I feel like a bad person because my fish are suffering, lol. Can anyone direct me towards some good information as to how to properly go about getting rid of this?



Active Member
there are some questions that need to be asked:
how old is the tank?
do you have a Quarantine/hospital tank?
what are you feeding?(tang is in bad shape and not just Ick)
what are the water params?
what do you have for filtration?
what size is the tank?
if you add copper the tank shouldnt be used for anything else afterwards, if there are any inverts or corals they wont make it through copper.


that hippo is in really bad shape. HLLE and ich it looks like to me. The stuff on the clown does not look like ich, looks closer to brook, like you mentioned, IMO.


Active Member
I wish you good luck but don't expect great things in the coming days for these fish :(


New Member
I inherited the Tang with HLLE with the idea that I could nurse it back to health or try to find a home for it. My buddy couldn't find a home for it so I took it in. I'm feeding it frozen herbivore cubes with vitamin c and flake, once each daily.
My tank is a 46 bowfront with an eheim canister filter w/ bio balls. The setup is a year old.
Water is kept at 78 degrees F
pH is 8.4
Specific Gravity is kept between 1.022 to 1.023
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate all tested zero
The only possible quarantine tank I have is a 3.5 gal with a small heater and an air pump.


Originally Posted by Deete
I inherited the Tang with HLLE with the idea that I could nurse it back to health or try to find a home for it. My buddy couldn't find a home for it so I took it in. I'm feeding it frozen herbivore cubes with vitamin c and flake, once each daily.
My tank is a 46 bowfront with an eheim canister filter w/ bio balls. The setup is a year old.
Water is kept at 78 degrees F
pH is 8.4
Specific Gravity is kept between 1.022 to 1.023
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate all tested zero
The only possible quarantine tank I have is a 3.5 gal with a small heater and an air pump.
Why in the word would you add a tang, that you knew was in bad health, directly into the display? Remove the rock and any inverts into a rubber maid tub. Hypo the display.


Staff member
Actually that size tank is way too small for a tang, but that is really moot now.
I agree, remove the live rock and inverts to a temporary rubbermaid with a powerhead, etc., then hypo the display.
As for the clown, how long have you had him? It looks like he has lymphocyctis, however if you are actually seeing whitish pealing, then it could be brooklynella. If you have had this clown for some time, it is not likely that it is brooklynella.