Holy Schmoly!


So, I havent posted on here in a couple months. I moved to IL for a little while, and just came back home.
I left my tank to my mom to take care of, and jesus....
Its like Christmas in my tank. Everything is red, and green!



ANd here's a couple before pics.
Same fish/rock/corals different tank,

My tube worm thingy is half dead, I cant even find half of the soft corals I had before.
No zoos, star polyps, pipe organ.
I might kill her.


Yeah, I did a water change this morning. CHanged about 1/3 of the water in it.
She did somehow manage to keep the water in OK condition. I tested it this morning and everything was fine. Nitrites, Nitrates, PH, Amonia. She lost my phosphate test thingy....
I was told if I turn my lights off for a few days all the algae will die.
I might try it. I cant really scrub my rocks since most of them have soft corals on them. I'm hoping they will come back. Hoping....


I want a new fish since I had to get rid of my other Firefish.
I have,
1 Royal Gramma
1 Firefish
1 Yellow Tail Damsel.
Its a 20GL tank.
I think its big enough to add one more fish.
I might start cycling my 12G soon, too.
Make it a swim only tank since its tall, and doesnt have the best lighting for corals. Also because I'm lazy, and dont feel like putting a retro fit kit on it.
I dont know what kind of fish I want to add.
The one I want is $100, so that aint going to happen.
Nothing aggressive and obviously nothing that gets bigger than like an inch and half.
What do you guys think will be a good addition?