HolyCow!!! Update pic.


Active Member
Just lookin at old pics and cant believe how far its come in 3 months. This was set up in Nov. This pic is Jan. 9th.


Active Member
Thanks.....I have more rock curing in my 55 so Ill be doing some aquascaping soon.
Thanks and love to my hubby......hes my main benifactor!!!!!


im about to make my own tank (only 55 gal) and i was wondering wut the grid type stuff on the bottom was and also wut the tupperwere bowls are used for. thnx


Active Member
I clean under the rock, so it sits on the grid (will be covered in sand soon) Tubberware has rubble in it with a frags (shrooms, zoo's colt's and a few pavona) This is an old pic, but gives you an idea.


New Member
ok the guy at the pet store said the live rock was bad and he said plants are not good eather. and you cant have fish with the plants. but i wont the plants and fish please help:help:


Active Member

Originally posted by fishgrl14
ok the guy at the pet store said the live rock was bad and he said plants are not good eather. and you cant have fish with the plants. but i wont the plants and fish please help:help:

Are you on the right thread??:notsure:


the green coral that the cardinal fish is over in the last pic