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You're not a bum, are you daddy?
No but I'm working on it.
Wanna beer?
It's seven o'clock in the morning!
............... Scotch?
Not during working hours. Oh....uhhh... sorry pal.
Would you kids mind keeping it down? Nikki's getting her blood tests back today.
Whose the father?
We dunno... might be Kevin's.
Kevin's a skunk.
Yeah, but kevin gets all the girls.
He sure got nikki!
(it's funnier coming out of an 8 year old)
Doris, this is my friend Joan.
(introducing herself): TV
You Butler?
You gotta problem with your horizontal hold?
I don't know.
Well your wife says you do.
Well... she oughta know... comon in.
You know, when your dad was in the Army, we hadda run a tight ship.
There were no ships in the army!
Now I'm gonna have to watch it this weekend.
Sorry reefkprZ I know new tools are exciting, but you have to love Mr. Mom.