Home Depot lighting


Active Member
I think i am going to get lights from home depot for my tank. My question is will the bulb that comes in it not be good. I mean will it grow algae like crazy or anything like that. I don't know of any replacement bulbs for a 72in light. Are there any or should i get 2 smaller lights.

mastino mike

Do you care what the light looks like? If not then go with the home depot lighting. I really dont like the look of standard floros. I had them on my first tank when I couldnt afford anything else. Hated them. If your on a budget go with them. I cant remember any bad algea growth except for that red slime stuff on the gravel occasionally but it wasnt too bad. Your talking about fish only, I hope.
if you are going FO then you may be ok...... I stress the may, I do not know what spectrum those lights are but if your gonig reef..... in that case forget it. those lights won't do a thing for your coral. I may be wrong but someone else will chime in soon enough.


Active Member
The fixtures will be ok but spend the few extra dollars and get quality lamps. URI bulbs will give you the most bang for the buck.