Home Depot Pump???


Hey guys,
All my co-workers pitched in and we are upgrading our office tank to a 75g. I am building a sump for the tank and currently we are using a CPR CS50 overflow. I know it's probably underrated (300 gph) for a 75g tank, will have to upgrade it later. Anyways, I need to purchase a return pump for this. I've read a mag-5 would do the job. I'm only pushing 3.5 feet back up to the tank. I called my LFS and they quoted me $170 for a Rio HyperFlow 10 which sells on the net for under $40. I laughed at them and asked if it was gold plated or something and told them you can find Mag-5's on the net for $50-$60. They hung up on me, but the connection didn't drop and I could hear them chuckling about the whole thing. Poor guys, wonder if they ever used the internet??? Anyways, since they are my only LFS in the area, i'm stuck to purchasing off the net. My question was, I've seen pond pumps at Home Depot for fairly inexpensive, has anyone ever tried them? Would they be saltwater safe? Noise is not a big deal since it will be in an office. If so, let me know, i'd rather run to HD pick one up then order off the net and have to wait on shipping.


in my opinion you should spend the few extra $ and get the mag 5. I have been using them for years and they are well worth the extra money.

salty blues

Active Member
FWIW, I run a CPR CS50 on my 29g. I am using a ViaAqua 2600 pumping a 4ft head and a flapper valve. It does not overpower the CS50.
I don't know why you couldn't use the HD type pumps as long as you match up to just under the CS50 rating(300gph).


Active Member
Agree with Artie, in that you should not skimp on most things with this hobby, BUT...I will give you this personal experience. I setup a RODI system/station in a basement, one floor below the DT, and needed two pumps to move 1)RODI water & 2)mixed salt water, up about 12' to the sump & topoff tank. I looked at the lfs prices, and like you started looking at Home Depot. I ended up buying a couple of Home Depot's pond pumps and have never looked back. No problems so far with the salt, no problems with the mechanical. Just make sure you read the back of the packaging. There is a chart that tells you how much vertical ft. each pump will be able to handle.


Active Member
I use he 20 dollar pond pump to run my water from my trash can into the tank for w/c and also to remove it from the tank it works fine they are cheap and if it gets gummed up alittle vinager soak works wonders:)


great, thanks for the info, we just want to get the tank up and running this weekend and are short the return pump.